Want to get involved in a writing group, or get more out of one you’re in? Charity Singleton Craig has ideas to help you start, join and make the most of a writing group.
WordSurge—A Word-Discovery Tool for Tomorrow
Maureen Doallas interviews founder Jordan Ackerman about the comprehensive and engaging word-discovery tool found in WordSurge®.
Poets & Writers Toolkit: 5 Invaluable Word Tools
Stuck on a word? There is hope for your writing project with the perfect dictionary to fit your precise need. Sara Barkat has 5 word tools for poets.
Become a Better Writer: I Am Not a Robot
In this look at automation in creative work, Charity Singleton Craig ponders how being like a robot can help you become a better writer, and whether she should plan a career shift toward being personal assistant to a robot.
4 Self-Editing Tips: Bring a Paint Can and Brush
Charity Singleton Craig sees self-editing like the touch-up work after painting a room. Come with a paint can for 4 self-editing tips.
Memoir Notebook: Voices (or, How to Write Spiritual Memoir)
Heed the voices, says Wm. Anthony Connolly, for they are the memoirist’s own rising from the soul.
The Progression of a Writing Life Part 3: Rejection
In Part 3 of our series on the progression of a writing life, Charity Singleton Craig considers the handling the falls and rejection that happen along the way.
The Progression of a Writing Life Part 1: Play
In a new four-part series, Charity Singleton Craig envisions a possible progression of the writing life through the lens of a snowboarder, beginning with the role of play.
Revamping The Raven—and Other Writing Mischief
What does it mean to have a well-rounded writing approach? It might require a dog, a cup of tea, and Poe’s “The Raven.”
Memoir Notebook: The Bright Orders
By way of our Memoir Notebook, we want you to meander, get caught up, find yourself taken to places you hadn’t intended to go (but are so glad, in the end, that you went). Today, Wm. Anthony Connolly talks about ghosts and Olympia Café.
Become a Better Writer: 5 Things the Theater Taught Me About Writing
Dena Dyer explores lessons she learned about how to become a better writer through her work in the theater.
3 Rules for Pretending to Be a Writer
What can children’s play teach you about how to be a writer? It can teach you how to pretend, which maybe a step in your writing journey.
How to Become a Better Writer: Write Like a Painter
Can studying the work of a visual artist teach you how to become a better writer? Charity Singleton Craig thinks so, with four paintings by Henri Matisse.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
San Francisco in toothpicks, getting Beowulf wrong, everything Emily Dickinson ever wrote on. It’s this week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks.
Poets and Writers Toolkit: 4 Ways to Generate Writing Ideas
How to generate writing ideas is a frequent question–and writing topic–for writers. How do you get your ideas? Charity Singleton Craig shares four ways.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Shakespeare in its original English. Or Shakespeare rewritten. Infographics, code poetry, bad real estate photos and artful cookies. Find all this and more in our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
How to Become a Better Writer: Black(wing) Magic
Is your writing instrument holding you back? Heather Eure explores the mystique of the Blackwing pencil. Maybe it’ll tell you how to become a better writer.
A Book of Beginnings: Motion
Why don’t people begin writing their books? Blame it on motion.
Curious Words: The Art of Prospiring
Put a new spin on your procrastination — learn a new word and use prospiring to boost your creative inspiration.
3 Ways to Get Off Your Writing Plateau
Are you stuck on a writing plateau? Here are 3 ways we help get you off the writing plateau.