Our senses are heightened by the surrounding wonder of the sea and shore. Feel the sand beneath your feet. It’s time for a little PhotoPlay and Prompt.
Sand, Shells & Sea Glass: Poetry Prompt and Playlist
This month, be inspired by Sand, Shells & Sea Glass. Read the Poetry Prompt and listen along. Our new playlist will give you an ocean of sound to write by.
Poetry Prompt: My Dog Day
There are many wonders in a dog’s mind. Join us for this week’s poetry prompt: My Dog Day. Now’s your chance to live a dog’s life, if only for a day.
Baby, Baby Poetry Prompt: The Short Years
The time between infancy and adulthood are but a blink. Come along as we examine The Short Years, courtesy of our Baby, Baby Poetry Prompt.
Baby, Baby: Poetry Prompt and Playlist
Our new Baby, Baby playlist runs the gamut from Bieber, to Bebe, to bébé, with a little lullaby thrown in. Listen along & explore our newest poetry prompt.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Chocolate sells books, poetry in the Windsor knot, the most famous book in South Dakota, and where money and writing collide: It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Realities Reflected (A Poetry Prompt)
The slanted, off-kilter fun-house bedroom emptied into a narrow a corridor, a hallway with mirrored walls. The lights were bright, fluorescent lit, and gave the general impression of being trapped inside that Bruce Lee classic, Enter the Dragon. My three boys and I stopped, noticed the hundreds of us-es that seemed to stretch around slight reflective […]
Diary: A Christmas Truce
More often than not, it seems, fiction arises out of real events. In this short piece by 13-year-old Sonia Joie, we find the fictional diary entry that could just as well have been written by an actual soldier in the field one day back in 1914.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Madonna recites Neruda, Kennedy memorizes Colderidge, Seinfeld drinks coffee. It’s poetry and more in Our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
The Collaborative Pantoum (A Writing Prompt)
The pantoum is a metaphor, an artistic expression of cooperation, and the perfect poetic medium for artistic collaboration. Seth Haines invites you to join with other poets in a collaborative pantoum in the comments.
Freedom In Structure: The Pantoum (A Writing Prompt)
Poetic forms can bring an explorative freedom to the poet. Seth Haines explores the pantoum form, and offers a writing prompt.
Battle of the Beverages (Another Coffee Poetry Prompt)
The beverage wars are on. This week’s poetry prompt pits coffee against soft drinks (or any other drink, really) in a duel to the death.
Sweet Bloggers Roundup: WordCandy from Tumblr
We round up the month’s posts from our WordCandy 100 Sweet Bloggers.
Holiday Haiku: A Poetry Prompt
Holiday favorite “A Christmas Story” provides a backdrop for this week’s holiday haiku poetry prompt with Seth Haines. Careful. You’ll shoot your eye out.
Little Red Riding Hood: A Graphic Novel
Sara Barkat retells the story of Little Red Riding Hood in the style of a graphic novel. Can you find a poem in the images?
Fiction Friday: He Said, She Said
Last week I received my shiny, colorfully bird-laden copy of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction. Books like this don’t usually show up at my house: I’m a poet, through and through. But I’ve also had this little fling with fiction on the side since attending the Midwest Writers’ Conference, where I practically skipped out […]
image-ine: tribes
tribes save me from the little tribes the us and them tribes that say who can’t marry who that make you take up a gun to defend them give me those sisters and brothers in the bigger family to link arms with to cluck and strut together to head off somewhere not knowing precisely where […]
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Will Willingham 1 Art What would you do if a mystery artist left exquisite sculptures on literary doorsteps all over your city? Well, if you’re Edinburgh, City of Literature, you put them all on display in a national tour. Last year, an unknown artist crafted […]
The Anthologist: Pluck the Day
I scheduled a date with Paul Chowder on Friday. We were supposed to hang out and talk about Sara Teasdale. He’d been going on about how some poets spend too much time thinking about death, like going to a movie and just waiting for the credits, which my dad taught me are very interesting if you […]
June Jazz: Stimulation
We buy a couple of corn dogs and head over to the free stage. My eyes wander off and I see a teenage girl standing on the back of a motorized wheelchair, lurching left and right, while her driver zig-zags across Main Street like a Hollywood stunt driver. I’m thankful city planners have shut down the streets to car traffic. Not just for the jazz festival.
But so people can move, for four days, any way they choose.