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50 States of Generosity: California
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on California and the all-American fabric produced there: denim.
50 States of Generosity: New York
We begin our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on New York and its state bird: the Eastern bluebird.
By Heart: ‘A Noiseless Patient Spider’ + New Derek Mahon Challenge
Uncle Walt says spiders and souls have a lot in common. Our By Heart column considers Whitman’s ‘A Noiseless Patient Spider’ and Charlotte.
Using Poetry to Reflect Upon the Civil War – Part 3: Walt Whitman
Walt Whitman celebrated the beginning of the Civil War, like many Americans on both sides. But as it dragged on, he — and his poetry — changed.
Your Work Is Poetry: Poetry at Work Day 2018!
Today is Poetry at Work Day 2018. Most poets have day jobs, because poetry isn’t that lucrative a profession. But poetry is inherent in all work.
Top 10 Best Science Poems
Is it possible that without science there might be no poetry? Or could the opposite be true? Test the hypothesis with 10 best science poems.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: On Location
It’s Take Your Poet to Work Day! Whether you’re going to work, to the beach or to another great destination today, take along your favorite poet.
Take Your Poet to Work Day is Coming: Here’s Our Free Coloring Book!
Celebrate Take Your Poet to Work Day with our free poets coloring book, newly updated for 2016, and let your poet explore your workplace.
Top 10 Pocket Poets and Their Poems
It’s Poem in Your Pocket Day. What better way to celebrate than with one of these 10 great pocket poets (and their poems) in your pocket.
Walt Whitman in Brooklyn: Newspapers and “Leaves of Grass”
Walt Whitman lived for 22 years in Brooklyn, and the city exerted a powerful influence on his poetry, especially “Leaves of Grass.”
Coloring Page Poems: A Noiseless Patient Spider by Walt Whitman
Our coloring page poems series brings the fun stress relief of coloring pages and poetry together, today with Walt Whitman’s “A Noiseless Patient Spider.”
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Poets Who Didn’t Want to Be at Work
If there was a common theme for our poets in this year’s Take Your Poet to Work Day celebration, it was that they didn’t want to be at work.
This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The worst state to borrow books for fictional children, what memoir is not, revising everything from poetry to the NSA. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Top Ten Poetic Picks
Being literally incorrect, Sesame Street’s “Sons of Poetry, ” Walter White & Walt Whitman, why ask why you need an editor. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
10 Great Poems About Work
10 great poems about work, new and old. Boss poems, work-life poems, work poems about various industries. Thoughtful to humorous!
The Anthologist: Pluck the Day
I scheduled a date with Paul Chowder on Friday. We were supposed to hang out and talk about Sara Teasdale. He’d been going on about how some poets spend too much time thinking about death, like going to a movie and just waiting for the credits, which my dad taught me are very interesting if you […]
My “Poem-ography”
Who – what poems – would comprise your “poem-ography?”
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider.
How to Write a Catalog Poem (or Not)
What is a catalog poem, and is it easy to write? Check out the catalog poem definition and catalog poem samples, and give it a try.