Stuck on a word? There is hope for your writing project with the perfect dictionary to fit your precise need. Sara Barkat has 5 word tools for poets.
Tweetspeak Poetry’s Top Ten Posts from the Last Month (or so)
What are we reading at Tweetspeak Poetry? Catch up on the top posts from last month (or so). Featuring Glynn Young, Charity Singleton Craig, The Unknown Contributor, Julie L. Moore, Nancy Franson, and more.
Poets & Writers Toolkit: Read and Respond
In our Poets & Writers Toolkit series, Charity Singleton Craig features the writing technique “read and respond” as a means for a writer to use another’s words to launch their own ideas.
Poets & Writers Toolkit: Paper
For your poets & writers toolkit, consider the matter of paper. Paper has a geography. It affects your actions.