As we continue to get ready for the 2015 Take Your Poet to Work Day Celebration, this week we welcome Maya Angelou to our collection of ready-for-work poets.
Poets and Poems: Sarah Blake and “Mr. West”
Poet Sarah Blake wrote 46 poems about rapper Kanye West, an “unauthorized biography” that speaks profoundly about popular culture today.
Poetic Voices: Sheila Squillante and Jessica Goodfellow
The poetry of both Sheila Squillante and Jessica Goodfellow presents the familiar in completely new terms, clarifying or uncovering insights and ideas.
Common Core Picture Poems: Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall”
Engage with poems from the Common Core with a dose of humor, beginning with our Picture Poems. Today we consider Robert Frost’s “Mending Wall.”
Poetry at Work: The Poetry of Retirement
The poetry of retirement is the freedom to experiment with new forms, new structures, and new language in what we call a life.
Top 10 Dip Into Poetry Lines
We’ve been taking a daily “dip into poetry” sharing over Every Day Poems on Twitter. Come discover the power of a single line.
Poetic Voices: Allison Carter and Maggie Smith
Allison Carter explores echoes and space, calling them ghosts, while poet Maggie Smith creates fables for contemporary readers.
Holocaust Poems: Interview with Poet and Filmmaker Janet R. Kirchheimer (Part 3)
The final installment of Maureen’ Doallas’s interview with poet and filmmaker Janet R. Kirchheimer on holocaust poems and the BE•HOLD film project.
Poets and Poems: Wendell Berry and “Terrapin”
The poems of “Terrapin and Other Poems” by Wendell Berry contain an essential and childlike innocence; the illustrations by Tom Pohrt match that innocence.
Poetry for Life: Transport It—on Seattle Buses
Seattle’s Poetry on Buses has been sharing poems with King County public transit riders since 1992. It’s a great example of “Poetry for Life.”
How We Celebrated Poem on Your Pillow Day
We celebrated the first annual Poem on Your Pillow Day this week, complete with guest pillows, poetic pillow cases and untamed shrieks of glee.
Poetic Voices: Susan Lewis and Katherine Hoerth
Susan Lewis and Katharine Hoerth approach poetry from two different directions: Lewis with the prose poem form and Hoerth anchored in geography.
This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Former teen poet becomes President. Poetry is dead, again? Elastic ekphrastics and the challenges of diversity in publishing. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
Holocaust Poems: Interview with Poet and Filmmaker Janet R. Kirchheimer (Part 1)
Maureen Doallas interviews poet and filmmaker Janet R. Kirchheimer about poetry as the only “language” in which to write about the Holocaust.
Poetic Voices: Karen Paul Holmes and Claire Trevien
Karen Paul Holmes and Claire Trevien examine marriage failure and the problems of living in a shipwrecked house, respectively, in recent poetry collections.
Poetic Voices: Jessica Goodfellow and Michalle Gould
Jessica Goodfellow tackles the poetry of natural elements, while Michalle Gould consider the artistic imagination engaging the meaning of death.
The Shakespeare Files: Sonnet 104 (Annotated)
The Shakespeare Files is a collection of annotations and exclamations on the poetry of William Shakespeare. Today, it’s Shakespeare’s Sonnet 104.
Poets and Poems: Daniel Bowman Jr.’s “A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country”
“A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country” by Daniel Bowman a beautiful collection, poems of quiet, reflection, and memory.
Top 10 Best Chicken Poems
If Google search is any indication, the world is looking for chicken poetry. Here are 10 chicken poems to make the search easier. (Or at least more fun.)
Poets and Poems: Tania Pryputniewicz and “November Butterfly”
“November Butterfly” by Tania Pryputniewicz does what often only poetry can do – rework a familiar subject into a different (and intriguing) understanding.