“The Elegy Beta: Poems” by Mischa Willett utilize the idea of the elegy, reflecting seriously and somberly on life, faith, suffering, and beauty.
Poets and Poems: Angela Alaimo O’Donnell and “Andalusian Hours”
In “Andalusian Hours,” poet and writer Angela Alaimo O’Donnell has created a tribute to Flannery O’Connor, one of the 20th century’s most original writers.
Poetry Prompt: If I Built A House
If you built a house, how big would you dream? Join author Callie Feyen as she remembers a childhood game and invites us to imagine our dream dwelling.
Poetry Prompt: Use Your Five Senses
How can writing a poem about the five senses improve a bad day? Author Callie Feyen shows us how, with the help of a first-grade friend.
Poems From the Coffee Shop: Earl Grey and Loch Ness Weariness
When nothing goes as planned, what’s Plan B? Maybe coffee, maybe tea. Especially at a beautiful coffee shop, with poems like “Loch Ness” on your mind.
Poetry Prompt: Focus on End Words
This week author Callie Feyen reads the picture book ‘David Gets In Trouble’ and invites us to focus on end words. Do they make a mini-poem?
Poets and Poems: Aaron Brown and “Acacia Road”
The 47 poems of “Acacia Road” by Aaron Brown are set in Chad and describe a place that is beautiful, tragic, and beloved.
Poetry Prompt: Like a Love Song
There are many ways to express love (some are quite silly). Take a drive with author Callie Feyen and her teenage daughter and listen to some love songs.
Poets and Poems: Daniel Leach and “Voices on the Wind”
“Voices on the Wind” by poet Daniel Leach is a collection of classical poetry centered in a rich tradition bubbling below the surface of modern poetry.
Poetry Prompt: What Silence Does
Join author Callie Feyen as she considers silence — what it is, what it does, and whether it’s useful. Then write a poem about it.
Looking for Workplace Wisdom: It’s Poetry at Work Day 2020
It’s Poetry at Work Day 2020, and went looking for books and writing about wisdom in the workplace. We found some surprises. Celebrate with us!
Poetry Prompt: What Grows From Bright Darkness
Join author Callie Feyen as she considers how the month of January and how the bright darkness can help usher in our hopes and dreams for the new year.
Wisdom Literature: The Aphorisms of Yahia Lababidi
“Signposts to Elsewhere,” a collection of aphorisms by poet Yahia Lababidi, is a beautifully rendered work, full of poetry and wisdom.
Poetry Prompt: What Kind of Quiet?
How many kinds of quiet do you find (and feel) in your day? Join author Callie Feyen as she explores the many kinds of quiet that seep through our days.
Poets and Poems: Juliette van der Molen and “Anatomy of a Dress”
“Anatomy of a Dress” by poet Juliette Van Dermolen is a short collection of poems that are strong enough not to need the author’s explanation.
Writing Prompt: December
December can be a dark, lonely month. Join author Callie Feyen as she finds beauty in the last month of the year and prompts us to write along.
Prompt: A How-To Story
What rituals do you practice in your writing routine? Join author Callie Feyen in following how-to poetry prompts (or journal entries, stories, or collages).
Poets and Poems: Edward Holmes and “Bravery & Brevity”
“Bravery & Brevity,” the new poetry collection by Edward Holmes, is written from a place of transformation, moving from pain to hope.
Poetry Prompt: Thanksgiving Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she recalls Thanksgiving beauty that spilled over into her wedding. And write your own Thanksgiving poem.
Poetry Prompt: Inventory Poetry
Join author Callie Feyen as she takes an inventory of her kitchen and finds many prompts for poetry.