The poetry of both Sheila Squillante and Jessica Goodfellow presents the familiar in completely new terms, clarifying or uncovering insights and ideas.
Poetic Voices: Allison Carter and Maggie Smith
Allison Carter explores echoes and space, calling them ghosts, while poet Maggie Smith creates fables for contemporary readers.
Poetic Voices: Susan Lewis and Katherine Hoerth
Susan Lewis and Katharine Hoerth approach poetry from two different directions: Lewis with the prose poem form and Hoerth anchored in geography.
Poetic Voices: Karen Paul Holmes and Claire Trevien
Karen Paul Holmes and Claire Trevien examine marriage failure and the problems of living in a shipwrecked house, respectively, in recent poetry collections.
Poetic Voices: Jessica Goodfellow and Michalle Gould
Jessica Goodfellow tackles the poetry of natural elements, while Michalle Gould consider the artistic imagination engaging the meaning of death.
Poets and Poems: Daniel Bowman Jr.’s “A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country”
“A Plum Tree in Leatherstocking Country” by Daniel Bowman a beautiful collection, poems of quiet, reflection, and memory.
Poets and Poems: David Harsent and “Fire Songs”
“Fire Songs” by David Harsent, winner of the 2014 T.S. Eliot Prize for best poetry collection in the U.K., is poetry at its most stunning and arresting.
Poets and Poems: Ron Padgett and “Collected Poems”
“Collected Poems” by Ron Padgett covers more than 50 years of work, summing up a life lived in the creation of poetry.
Poets and Poems: J.P. Dancing Bear’s “The Abandoned Eye”
The poems in J.P. Dancing Bear’s “The Abandoned Eye” cut like razor blades, removing what we use to hide and obscure.
Poets and Poems: Amy Billone’s “The Light Changes”
Amy Billone’s “The Light Changes: Poems” begins with a young woman throwing herself in front of a train—not what you expect from poets and poems.
Poets and Poems: Jean Sprackland’s “Sleeping Keys”
Jean Sprackland’s “Sleeping Keys” quietly underscores the importance of what lies unrecognized and forgotten—a thoughtful selection for Poets and Poems.