In this week’s Poetry Club Tea Date, enjoy a new poetry prompt started with a line from “Braiding His Hair” by Alison Luterman.
Poetry Prompt: Do Something You Love And Tell About It
What would you do if your teacher gave you this assignment: Do something you love and then tell about it? Join author Callie Feyen as she and her daughters try to complete the task.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ A Clock in the Square
In this week’s Poetry Club Tea Date, enjoy a new poetry prompt started with a line from The Clock in the Square by Adrienne Rich.
Poetry Prompt: Dor
The word dor invites us to embrace loneliness rather than overcome it. This week Callie Feyen has a poetry prompt about accepting our aches.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ Peacock Feather
In this week’s Poetry Club Tea Date, enjoy a new poetry prompt started with a line from Effie Lee Newsome’s “Peacock Feather.”
Poetry Prompt: Seeing Stars
Have you ever received a gift you didn’t know you needed? Join Callie Feyen on a summer night of seeing stars and learning to let go.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ You Had Not Known
In this week’s Poetry Club Tea Date, enjoy a new poetry prompt started with a line from L.L. Barkat’s “You Had Not Known.”
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ What We Would Give Up
In this week’s Poetry Club Tea Date, enjoy this poetry prompt based on a starter line from a Marie Howe poem.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ Oriole
Join us for this week’s Every Day Poems poetry club tea date! See the favorite lines shared by a reader. Catch the poem that came from it. Pen your own.
Poetry Prompt: Include a Metaphor
Join Callie Feyen as she offers a poetry prompt about the power of metaphor. Especially when the ocean is involved.
The Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ This Has Been a Summer
Join us for this week’s Every Day Poems poetry club tea date! See the favorite lines shared by a reader. Catch the poem that came from it. Pen your own.
Poetry Prompt: Swimming in Sand
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores a poetry prompt about swimming in sand, drawn from memories of several trips to Sleeping Bear Dunes.
Poetry Prompt: If I Built A House
If you built a house, how big would you dream? Join author Callie Feyen as she remembers a childhood game and invites us to imagine our dream dwelling.
Poetry Prompt: Use Your Five Senses
How can writing a poem about the five senses improve a bad day? Author Callie Feyen shows us how, with the help of a first-grade friend.
Poetry Prompt: What Silence Does
Join author Callie Feyen as she considers silence — what it is, what it does, and whether it’s useful. Then write a poem about it.
Poetry Prompt: Inventory Poetry
Join author Callie Feyen as she takes an inventory of her kitchen and finds many prompts for poetry.
Questions & Curiosity: Wonder Plant Prompt
Join us this week to wonder about a common plant you may have passed by. Find your questions, then your answers, and then—your poem!
Poetry Prompt: Question Poems
Join Callie Feyen as she contemplates whether it is asking the question, or finding the answer that makes us strong. Then get poetic with a question of your own.
Sun and Moon Poems: Night Poetry Prompt
Join author Callie Feyen as she confesses her fear of teaching Romeo and Juliet, and realizes there is much more to see than what she’s afraid of.
Poetry Prompt: Imagination Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she walks down a one-hundred-year-old alley and dreams about what it is she might become someday.