We’ve got a roundup of the [mostly] happy songs in our new Playlist. Catch a listen, put up the “Gone Fishing” sign and cast a line or two of poetry with us.
Poetry Prompt: Swell
The ocean dances. It undulates and curls. Arches back and bends forward. Moving toward the finale. This week’s poetry prompt places you among the waves.
PhotoPlay 2: Portrait of a Shell, Sand, and the Sea Poetry Prompt
We are dipping our toes in the ocean at here at Tweetspeak Poetry. Join us for PhotoPlay 2. Look closely. You might just find a poem tucked inside a shell.
Sand, Shells & Sea Glass: Poetry Prompt and Playlist
This month, be inspired by Sand, Shells & Sea Glass. Read the Poetry Prompt and listen along. Our new playlist will give you an ocean of sound to write by.
Poetry Prompt: My Dog Day
There are many wonders in a dog’s mind. Join us for this week’s poetry prompt: My Dog Day. Now’s your chance to live a dog’s life, if only for a day.
Dog Songs: Poetry Prompt & Playlist
We cannot imagine a world without dogs and the joy they bring. Check out our new playlist and poetry prompt. Come sing (or howl) a few Dog Songs with us.
Baby, Baby Poetry Prompt: The Short Years
The time between infancy and adulthood are but a blink. Come along as we examine The Short Years, courtesy of our Baby, Baby Poetry Prompt.
Photo Prompts: Baby Face Photo Play 2
Join us for our Baby Face Photo Prompts follow-up and be stirred by the collection of photographs and poetry, steeped in back story. Come write yours.
Baby, Baby: Poetry Prompt and Playlist
Our new Baby, Baby playlist runs the gamut from Bieber, to Bebe, to bébé, with a little lullaby thrown in. Listen along & explore our newest poetry prompt.
Photo Prompts: Still Life With Cheese Photo Play
Capture beauty on a plate. Join us for this month’s Photo Prompts, and dabble in the art of food styling.
Ode Poetry: To a Pet Peeve
Let’s celebrate the little things that drive us batty! Join us for this week’s poetry prompt— Ode poetry: to a Pet Peeve.
Photo Prompts: An Ode to Home Photo Play 2
Poetry and photo prompts go hand in hand with our Photo Play feature. Check out the entries for An Ode to Home.
Ode To Rice Krispies: Playlist and Poetry Prompt
Welcome to this month’s poetry prompt and playlist! Listen along with us and write an ode to Rice Krispies, or your favorite breakfast cereal.
Spanish Lace: Perception Poetry Prompt
Spanish Lace: Perception Poetry Prompt- Consider the people of Spain and those who inspired this coveted lace. Come write with us.
Spanish Lace: Playlist & Poetry Prompt
If you look closely, the intricate pattern of Spanish Lace has a story to tell. We’ve woven together a new playlist of songs—from Spanish lace to lace in general, from the group Paper Lace to some great Spanish love songs. An intoxicating variety of tunes, and a poetry prompt.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Chocolate sells books, poetry in the Windsor knot, the most famous book in South Dakota, and where money and writing collide: It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
WordCandy Sweet Blogger Roundup
We’re featuring a handful of delicious quotes and images from our WordCandy Sweet Bloggers. Have a taste, and try your hand with a WordCandy poetry prompt.
Tweetspeak Rocks (A Poetry Prompt)
We’re rocking this month at Tweetspeak! Come kick off this month’s “Rock and Roll” theme with a killer playlist and poetry prompt. Are you ready to rock?
The Mirror, The Storyteller (A Poetry Prompt)
In this week’s poetry prompt, we explore the stories reflected in the mirror. What story does your mirror tell?
Mirror, Mirage (A Poetry Prompt)
Can you tell the difference between mirror and mirage? Do you follow false reflections or true? This week, we’re exploring the poetry in mirages.