I consider breaking this into two posts but the last poems from Thursday’s Treasures of Tutankhamun-inspired poetry jam on Twitter turned out to be so short that I decided to keep all of them together. This concludes the poems that resulted from the jam. The Songs of King Tut 4 By @llbarkat, @PoemsPrayers, @mmerubies, @KathleenOverby, […]
The Songs of King Tut 3
Poetry jams can take odd twists and turns, which is part of the fun on participating. You’re moving and posting down one stream of thought, and then an almost alien idea enters the conversation and away everyone goes. We’ve been talking (offline, in real telephone conversations) about some of what was learned Thursday with the […]
The Songs of King Tut 1
This past Thursday, we had another one of our poetry jams on Twitter, this one augmneted by a new technology tool (see the main home page for what it looks like). The prompts from @tspoetry were all taken from Treasures of Tutankhamun, published by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Technology, Tut, Twitter, TweetSpeak – we […]
Poetry Meets Technology
Marcus Goodyear and Matt Priour have been conspiring over the past several weeks to create a tool – a game, actually – that might be used for TweetSpeak poetry jams, among a lot of other uses. It debuted at TweetSpeak Poetry on Thursday night. And it worked. Anticipation was high. Two of our online poetic […]
Poems from the Cupboard – 4
These eight poems are the last from Tuesday’s poetry jam on Twitter. I’m not sure if the last one, “The Poets Recite, ” is a poem or not; our jamming poets didn’t know that their causal concluding remarks and comments were being recorded for posterity. This will bring the total number of poems created to […]
Poems from the Cupboard – 3
Here are another group of eight poems from our poetry jam on Twitter last Tuesday. The contributions started getting playful – you could tell it was getting late in the hour. Poems from the Cupboard – 3 By @llbarkat, @doallas, @mxings, @PoemsPrayers, @TchrEric, @togetherforgood, @monicasharman, @mmerubies, @KathleenOverby, @lauraboggess and @gyoung9751; cameo appearance by @Lorrie58; edited […]
Poems from the Cupboard – 2
Some strange things can happen when you start reading labels in on packages in the kitchen, which were our prompts for the poetry jam last Tuesday on Twitter. Here are eight poems that resulted, and more are coming. Poems from the Cupboard – 2 By @llbarkat, @doallas, @mxings, @PoemsPrayers, @TchrEric, @togetherforgood, @monicasharman, @mmerubies, @KathleenOverby, @lauraboggess and […]
Poems from the Cupboard
For our poetry jam on Twitter this past Tuesday, @tspoetry provided a series of prompts taken from packaging found in the cabinet. Our instructions were to pick up words from the prompts and each other, and make poems. Below is the first of several posts, this one containing six poems. Poems from the Cupboard By […]
Poems from the House of Memory – 8
Finally, at last, we have the remaining poems from our poetry jam on Twitter. There are five, and you’ll see that the jam was winding down. Thanks again to all who participated. Poems from the House of Memory – 8 By @KathleenOverby, @doallas, @llbarkat, @mmerubies, @mdgoodyear, @TchrEric, @PoemsPrayers, @monicasharman, @mxings, and @togetherforgood; edited by @gyoung9751. […]
Poems from the House of Memory – 7
We have three more poems from our Twitter poetry jam in this group. I expect to have one more post, and that will complete the series. Poems from the House of Memory – 7 By @KathleenOverby, @doallas, @llbarkat, @mmerubies, @mdgoodyear, @TchrEric, @PoemsPrayers, @monicasharman, @mxings, and @togetherforgood; edited by @gyoung9751. I Want to Get a Hotel […]
Poems from the House of Memory – 6
We have five poems in this group from our recent poetry jam on Twitter. There are still a few to come. By the way, Erin at Together For Good has reshaped some of her contributions to the poetry jam and published them as a poem, “Of Nonsense and Butter.” Check it out. Poems from the […]
Poems from the House of Memory – 5
We’ve had a break in postings, and for that I apologize. A few things happened this past week – my daughter-in-law had a baby, my son passed out as the process started and hit his head hard enough to require surgery. Anyway, the surgery was successful, the baby was born, and all are doing well. […]
Poems from the House of Memory – 4
Our next installment of edited poems from last week’s poetry jam on Twitter is below. As I edited the contributions, it was fascinating to see the twists and turns, and how a word or a phrase could shift the whole flow. The shift, however, is gradual, mostly because of the time delays associated with the […]
Poems from the House of Memory – 3
Poems from the farm, including Grandma and Grandpa, tin cans, nickels and pie.
Poems from the House of Memory – 2
“Once, we walked with tin cans to the small dairy for milk.” Thus begins this buttery, poignant poem from the farm, or the heart.
Poems from the House of Memory – 1
From wisteria to butterflies, rubies to gardenia, the house of love and life calls in these poems.
Poets at Home
Poets at home deserve poems. So we wrote them, on Twitter.
Color Poems
From eggplant to ordinary blue, vermillion to petunia pink, these color poems sizzle with hue.
Does God Wear Cashmere? 4 Poems
Cashmere is the perfect thing for a poem to wear. Come read these.
Love Poems 3
Love poems. With a little help from Mars, Venus, and the moon.