Here are five more poems from our recent Twitter poetry party, with the prompts taken from The Republic of Tea
Governments of Tea 4
Tea poems you can drink up. Including Orion, catholic schools, and jazz. Not your ordinary fare.
Governments of Tea 3
Here are six more poems from our recent Twitter poetry party on Tea
Governments of Tea 2
Here are the next four poems from our recent Twitter poetry party. The subject of tea takes a business, then political, and finally a personal, turn.
Robotics in Verse 4
This completes the series of poems from July’s Twitter poetry party here at TweetSpeak Poetry.
Robotics in Verse 3
Here are seven more poems in our “Robotics in Verse” series from the recent Twitter poetry party.
Robotics in Verse 2
It’s been a few days since I posted the first poems from our most recent Twitter poetry party. I have no excuse other than it’s been busy – a wedding, a funeral, a baptism, some travel, normal life. You know how it is.
Robotics in Verse
At last Tuesday’s Twitter poetry party, all poetic prompts were from Robert Pinsky’s Death and the Powers
On the Butterfly’s Blue Wing 3
Here are the “final 5” – the last of the poems developed from our Twitter poetry party last week.
On the Butterfly’s Blue Wing 2
Below are five additional poems developed from last Thursdy’s Twitter poetry party.
On the Butterfly’s Blue Wing
For last Thursday’s Twitter poetry party, 10 of us virtually assembled
The Barbie Poems 6
Here are the final four poems from our poetry jam in honor of Barbies at Communion: and other poems by Marcus Goodyear. The Barbie Poems 6 By @mdgoodyear, @papagoodyear, @llbarkat, @memoriaarts, @arestlessheart, @lauraboggess, @cascheller, @mattpriour, @PoemsPrayers, @KathleenOverby, @togetherforgood, @gyoung9751, @mmerubies, @jamesrls, @doallas, @Dancinbutterfly, @moondustwriter, @mxings, @Jezamama, @MarisaLopezzz, and @TchrEric; cameo appearances by @hiscrivener and @duane_scott; […]
The Barbie Poems 5
We’re still rolling with the Barbie poems from the last poetry jam, and there are a few more to come after this. Here are another eight poems from our poetry jam in honor of Barbies at Communion: and other poems by Marcus Goodyear. The Barbie Poems 5 By @mdgoodyear, @papagoodyear, @llbarkat, @memoriaarts, @arestlessheart, @lauraboggess, @cascheller, @mattpriour, […]
The Barbie Poems 3
We have eight more poems from our poery jam to celebrate Barbies at Communion: and other poems by Marcus Goodyear. Looking at the remaining tweets to edit, I expect two more posts here for The Barbie Poems. The Barbie Poems 3 By @mdgoodyear, @papagoodyear, @llbarkat, @memoriaarts, @arestlessheart, @lauraboggess, @cascheller, @mattpriour, @PoemsPrayers, @KathleenOverby, @togetherforgood, @gyoung9751, @mmerubies, […]
Partying with the Barbies
We had our poetry jam on Twitter last night, and this time we did a kind of “event” around Marcus Goodyear’s newly published collection, Barbies at Communion: and other poems. So, yes, it was a Barbie-themed party, and it was wild. For the last three poetry jams, we’ve been featuring a new “tool” or Twitter […]
Poems of Complication 4
The final eight poems from last week’s poetry jam on Twitter are below. Poems of Complication 4 By @mdgoodyear, @llbarkat, @PoemsPrayers, @mxings, @togetherforgood, @cascheller, @mmerubies, @MonicaSharman, @DancinButterfly, @thegypsymama, @TchrEric and @KathleenOverby. Not to mention @shrinkingcamel. Edited by @glynn_poet. Tattooed Tears My tears are tattooed to me; I wear them well, flex for all to see […]
Poems of Complication 3
Below are seven additional poems based on the tweets from last Tuesday’s poetry jam on Twitter. Poems of Complication 3 By @mdgoodyear, @llbarkat, @PoemsPrayers, @mxings, @togetherforgood, @cascheller, @mmerubies, @MonicaSharman, @DancinButterfly, @thegypsymama, @TchrEric and @KathleenOverby. Not to mention @shrinkingcamel. Edited by @glynn_poet. The Moon Goodess and the Man in the Moon It shall be a game […]
Poems of Complication 2
Following are eight poems from last Tuesday’s poetry jam on twitter, ranging from plainness and fresh strawberries to a celebration of punctuation. Poems of Complication 2 By @mdgoodyear, @llbarkat, @PoemsPrayers, @mxings, @togetherforgood, @cascheller, @mmerubies, @MonicaSharman, @DancinButterfly, @thegypsymama, @TchrEric and @KathleenOverby. Not to mention @shrinkingcamel. Edited by @glynn_poet. Plainness I saw two plain women today. One […]
Poems of Complication 1
Below are the first group of poems coming from our poetry jam on Twitter this past Tuesday. The prompts, courtesy of @mdgoodyear, came from lines from the following: “The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket” by Robert Lowell; “Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley; “Ode to the Confederate Dead” by Allen Tate; “Ode on […]
Prelude to a Poetic Jam
It always takes a few moments for participants in our poetry jams to collect themselves, eat the last of dinner, calm down, and generally settle themselves as they prepare to jam. Tuesday’s poetry jam was no different, except an errant camel named Bradley, having imbibed a certain volume of wine at dinner, wandered on to […]