In “The Shield of Achilles,” W.H. Auden created a masterwork in poetry, integrating his views of the spiritual and natural worlds.
“Poems (1930)” – The First Published Collection by W.H. Auden
“Poems (1930),” the first poetry collection by W.H. Auden, promised great things to come, and Auden did not disappoint.
Herman Melville, a Poet of the Civil War
Herman Melville turned from fiction to poetry, and his first collection aimed at memorializing and making sense of the Civil War.
Poets and Poems: Emily Brontë and “The Night is Darkening Round Me”
At a young age, Emily Brontë was an accomplished poet, even though her signature work is the novel “Wuthering Heights.”
Poets and Poems: Anna Lewis and “Memory’s Abacus”
“Memory’s Abacus,” the first poetry collection by Anna Lewis, captures the essence of family life lived well.
Poets and Poems: Angela Alaimo O’Donnell and “Dear Dante”
“Dear Dante” by Angela Alaimo O’Donnell is both a conversation with and a tribute to “The Divine Comedy,” the great poetic work by Dante.
Poets and Poems: Luci Shaw and “Reversing Entropy”
“Reversing Entropy” by Luci Shaw demonstrates the poet’s calling to bring order and meaning from the chaos of life.
Poets and Poems: Laurie Klein and “House of 49 Doors”
“House of 49 Doors,” the new poetry collection by Laurie Klein, reminds us we never really live our childhood behind.
Poets and Poems: Robert Schultz and “Into the New World”
In “Into The New World: Poems,” Robert Schultz create unforgettable images of war, violence, art, and nature.
Poets and Poems: May Swenson and “Collected Poems”
“Collected Poems” by May Swenson tells a story of a poet who helped shape, and was shaped by, poetry in 20th-century America.
Poets and Poems: Jeanine Hathaway and “Long After Lauds”
In the poetry collection “Long After Lauds,” Jeanine Hathaway surprises and often startles with her images and metaphors.
Poets and Poems: Claude Wilkinson and “World Without End”
In “World Without End,” Claude Wilkinson writes poetry that communicates the beauty and meaning of both the seen and the unseen.
Edwin Arlington Robinson: A Poet for Poets and Poetry Readers
Edwin Arlington Robinson won the Pulitzer Prize three times for his poetry. He’s a poet for both poets and poetry readers.
Poets and Poems: Moira Lineman and “Toward”
Poet Moira Linehan had the gifts of simplicity and wisdom, and she shared those gifts in the poems of her collection “Toward.”
Poets and Poems: Rowan Evans and “A Method, A Path”
In “A Method, A Path,” British poet Rowan Evans points to the music in poetry, and to the poetry in music.
Poets and Poems: Rick Maxson and “Under the Pearl Moon”
“Under the Pearl Moon” by Rick Maxson moves you from where and when you’re reading into your own personal memory palace.
Poets and Poems: B.H. Fairchild and “An Ordinary Life”
In “An Ordinary Life,” poet B.H. Fairchild looks to the ordinary to find solace for grief at the death of his son.
Poets and Poems: Lola Haskins and “Homelight”
In “Homelight: Poems,” Lola Haskins has a new slant on “slant,” allowing each poem to have its own perspective.
Poets and Poems: Jordan Pérez and “Santa Tarantula”
In her first poetry collection, Jordan Pérez presents hard realities that remind us of our duty not to look away.
Poets and Poems: Ben Okri and “A Fire in My Head”
“A Fire in My Head: Poems for the Dawn” by Ben Okri offers hope even for the darkest of subjects and events.