We celebrated Poetry at Work this week in libraries, theatres, coffee shops, and government offices. We celebrated on ships, in the street, and probably even on the moon.
Poetry in the Cubicle: The Weight of the Poem
What do you do with the poem you cannot write? You follow it. Even if it never leaves the four square walls of your office cubicle. Join Richard Maxson for Poetry at Work.
Book Club Announcement: Poetry at Work
Our upcoming book club discussion of Glynn Young’s new book, Poetry at Work, comes just in time to celebrate Poetry at Work Day.
Poetry at Work: Poetry and Business Life
Business and poetry, at least on the surface, appear to form an unlikely alliance. Scott Edward Anderson shows us why it’s not so unlikely after all.
Infographic: Poetry at Work Day
Chickens, chocolate chip cookies, writing poetry on the clock? Must be our Poetry at Work Day infographic.
Poetry at Work: Ted Kooser, Insurance Underwriter (and Poet Laureate)
Glynn Young tells the story of acclaimed poet Ted Kooser, former U.S. Poet Laureate, who spent most of his working career in the insurance industry.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Should the Founding Fathers be booked for selling their used ones? Are public school students reading too much fiction? Are there too many poets writing too many poems? Which direction should I mow my lawn? Will Willingham has the answers to burning questions–or at least the burning questions–in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
The Poetry of the Boss
Workplace leadership hasn’t been the subject of much poetry, but a poem about a boss offers the possibility of understanding and possibly forgiveness. Glynn Young asks you to consider the boss through a poetic lens to explain, celebrate, understand, or even forgive.
Can Poetry Save the Corporate Soul?
Glynn Young discusses the work of poet David Whyte, author of several books on the importance of poetry in preserving the soul in corporate America, including “The Heart Aroused.”
Ten Great Articles on Poetry and Work
Ten great articles about the intersection of poetry and work.