If you look closely, the intricate pattern of Spanish Lace has a story to tell. We’ve woven together a new playlist of songs—from Spanish lace to lace in general, from the group Paper Lace to some great Spanish love songs. An intoxicating variety of tunes, and a poetry prompt.
Artist Date: Hands
On this Artist Date, take a closer look at the poetry of hands. You might be surprised what happens next.
SNOW: a poem by James Longenbach
SNOW: a poem by James Longenbach
Image-ine: Warrior Canoe by Holly Friesen
Maureen Doallas pairs her poem ‘A Ladder Our Boat’ with Holly Friesen’s ‘Warrior Canoe’ in our latest Image-ine feature.
Let’s Go Crazy–A Potpourri Purple Poetry Prompt of Tyrannosaurical Proportions
From Barney the purple dinosaur to Little Jack Horner’s plum-popping thumb, Seth Haines has a new purple poetry prompt.
Video Poem: This is What Tomorrow Looks Like
On a train from Sydney to Melbourne, four family members each write a short poem with the same title.
Image-ine: Jewel of Winter
Maureen Doallas and Kelly Sauer turn up a sweet, juicy bit of visual poetry together.
New Year’s: Resolutions Poem
A resolutions poem from Anne M. Doe Overstreet for the New Year.
July Mosaics: Concrete Poetry
In the summer of 2008, the local Barnes & Noble invited Geoffrey Brock to read from his first book of Poetry, Weighing Light. Metal folding chairs were placed between the do-it-your self section and the clearance picture-book aisle. I’m not sure whether it was the ideal spot for a poetry reading, what with patrons whizzing through […]