“The Honey Field” by Laura Boggess is a story of death and grief, healing and recovery, life and love — and honeybees, of course.
A TS Classic: “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde
A new edition of “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde, illustrated by Sara Barkat, shows how the story still applies to our own time.
‘Waiting for Neruda’s Memoirs’ and Literary Citizenship
‘Waiting for Neruda’s Memoirs’ by Laura Boggess shows us how to be a literary citizen in our own little corner of the world. Meet Amy Pinkleberry.
Poetry and Healing: “Waiting for Neruda’s Memoirs” by Laura Boggess
The novella “Waiting for Neruda’s Memoirs” by Laura Boggess tells a story of a woman haunted by voices and healed through the power of poetry.
Fiction debut could help Dana Gioia’s dream come true
T. S. Poetry Press, publisher of the Oprah Summer Read The Whipping Club, has released a fiction debut that could help Dana Gioia’s dream come true. Gioia has made a strong call to get poetry into the public eye. The Novelist, by L.L. Barkat, weaves poetry throughout a story that explores the woes of a […]