We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on the different types of mystery that are Pure Michigan.
Perspective: Agatha Christie’s ‘Death on the Nile’
Like a poet, Agatha Christie doesn’t waste a single detail. Join us as we read “Death on the Nile” through the theme of Perspective.
Reading Generously: Stories with Older Characters
How do we develop empathy? By reading fiction—generously. This month we focus on older characters in a novel by Ernest J. Gaines.
Reading Shakespeare: King Lear & the Mystery of Things
Callie Feyen’s year-long “reading Shakespeare” experience takes her to King Lear, and the moment of crossing the place where mystery and empathy intersect.
I Could Tell You Stories: Hope for the Mighty Bird
Revisiting a long-ago read collection of Patricia Hampl stories leads Callie Feyen down a path of mystery and wonder and memory.
A Ritual to Read to Each Other: Of Mysteries and Monsters
Author Megan Willome considers what mysteries and monsters have in common during her monthly reading roundup, A Ritual to Read to Each Other.
Poetry Prompt: Mysterious Observation turned into Poetry
What mysteries do you notice throughout your day? Join author Callie Feyen as she attempts to help a young writer turn those mysteries into a prompt for poetry.
Poetry Prompt: On Mystery
Mystery surprises us, like an unexpected giraffe. Join author Callie Feyen as she offers a poetry prompt on mystery. And the need for exclamation points.
Reader, Come Home: “Twelve Angry Men”
Come learn the secrets of being a deep reader with author Megan Willome as she tackles a mystery. And share your September pages for our monthly Reader, Come Home column.
Poetry Prompt: A Walk in the Forest
This week, join author Callie Feyen and enter a place of mystery and magic in your neighborhood, then write about what you find.
Writing, Paper & Quills: Ode to a Planner Prompt
Whether you are a planner or prefer to fly by the seat of your pants, author Callie Feyen has some thoughts on the practice and poetry of keeping a planner.
Gratitude Poetry Prompt: Look For the Constants
Author Callie Feyen’s only advice for understanding poetry is to compare it to a middle school group chat conversation gone awry.
Poetry Prompt: Mystery Poems for Halloween
What’s the difference between mystery and fear? Join Callie Feyen as she discusses trying to create mystery poems from what makes us afraid.
An Adjuster’s Letter to John Keats
An adjuster writes a letter to John Keats, hoping to understand mystery and negative capability in a world where truth matters less than what you can prove.