Sandra Fox Murphy writes about music’s intersections with time, place and poetry, travelling from a general store in West Virginia to the grackles on a power line in west Texas.
Poetry and Music: In “(After),” the Aaron Irwin Trio Orchestrates Nine Poems
In the new album “(After),” the Aaron Irwin Trio blends and interprets music and poetry to celebrate nine poems.
Poets and Poems: Rowan Evans and “A Method, A Path”
In “A Method, A Path,” British poet Rowan Evans points to the music in poetry, and to the poetry in music.
Poetry Prompt: Name the Hard
What do you do when learning something is difficult? Join Callie Feyen as she learns a lesson from her daughter on how to name the hard.
Poetry Prompt: Soundtrack of Your Life
Author Callie Feyen invites us to write a poem about the soundtrack of our life and aim at universal themes. Just like on “The OC.”
Poetry Prompt: Song Title Poetry
Try writing Song Title Poetry! All you need is a pad of sticky notes, a playlist of favorite songs, and your imagination.
Sitting in ‘Mildred’s Garden’ with Laura Boggess
“Mildred’s Garden” by Laura Boggess combines music, poetry, the beauty of West Virginia, and a refugee story into a delight of a novel.
Poetry Prompt: Love In Algebra
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she considers the many ways (some mathematical) to say, “I love you.”
“The Heart’s Necessities”: A Death, a Song, a Poem, and a Book
“The Heart’s Necessities” brings together the poetry and life story of Jane Tyson Clement and the music of Becca Stevens.
From Artist’s Way to Museum Art Camp
Donna Falcone joined our Artist’s Way book club on a whim—and wrote down a dream. Six years later, a beautiful, unexpected thing has occurred.
Memoir Notebook: Harp Dreams and Good Vibrations
Sandra Heska King writes a new story for her life by taking up the harp … again.
Poetry and Music: A Story that Could Be True
What if you paired poetry with music? Daniel Sperry has done just that, beautifully.
Ten Great Writing Playlists & Poetry Prompts
Do you have a favorite playlist you listen to while you write poetry? We’re featuring ten of our favorite themed writing playlists.
Tweetspeak Rocks (A Poetry Prompt)
We’re rocking this month at Tweetspeak! Come kick off this month’s “Rock and Roll” theme with a killer playlist and poetry prompt. Are you ready to rock?
Swans, Swallows, and the Phoenix (A Poetry Prompt)
Seth Haines kicks off the month of May with a new poetic playlist on our Swans, Swallow, Phoenix theme, and a brand new poetry prompt to boot.
A Holiday (Not a Haiku): A December Poetry Playlist
He knows if you’ve been bad or haiku, so be haiku for goodness sake. Seth Haines shares an inspiring holiday playlist.
Songs for Our Theme This Month: Wine and Beer
Tweetspeak celebrates Oktoberfest with our monthly theme of Wine and Beer. Whether you’re after a sweet lagered malt with just a thin lacing, a bold shiraz that wants to take its own self out of the bottle, or a dry Albariño with green apple notes, there’s a song here to please your poetic palate. Pick […]
Songs for Our Theme this Month: The Poet
This month, Tweetspeak is celebrating “The Poet, ” and in musical fashion Seth Haines has compiled this playlist featuring some of the world’s greatest poets and songwriters. Seth has attempted to pair spoken-word poems with songs in a way that creates a series of “couplets.” Save for the introductory couplet (Marsalis/Peyroux), each couplet attempts to explore a […]
Songs for Our Theme this Month: Rain
Got a rain playlist? Share it here in the comment box 🙂 Photo by Emreterok. Creative Commons, via Flickr. Playlist by Seth Haines. _____ Buy Rumors of Water Now
image-ine: a visceral reaction to sound
i was blissfully unaware of the fact that people lived with music inside of them. it took falling in love to learn this life truth. he was angled and beautiful: tan skin, rippled with muscle curvature and dark curls that framed his strong jawline. the music inside of him spontaneously made its way out of […]