We believe a heart can hold many poems. But every heart should have at least one. Join author Laura Lynn Brown, as she reveals a “can do” poem she put into her heart.
Your Work Is Poetry: Poetry at Work Day 2018!
Today is Poetry at Work Day 2018. Most poets have day jobs, because poetry isn’t that lucrative a profession. But poetry is inherent in all work.
Poet Focus: Marianne Moore
For all of her modernist associations, Marianne Moore’s poetry didn’t exactly fit the category. There’s a richness, almost a lushness, in many of her poems that’s absent from the moderns. She ranged over history and literature — Rome and Greece, Britain and Ireland, and America — as well as music and the natural world.
National Poetry Month: Marianne Moore
Marianne Moore (1887 – 1972), a Modernist poet known for her irony and wit (so says Wikipedia), was born in Kirkwood, Missouri, the daughter of a Presbyterian minister. Her first poems were published in 1915, and she came to the attention of Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound. She became editor […]