Join author Callie Feyen and explore the many roads there are to get at what we love.
Poetry Prompt: A Not-Yet Valentine
This week join author Callie Feyen as she writes a Valentine poem for people who aren’t Romeo and Juliet. Yet.
Poetry Prompt: Dickinson the Series & Code Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she watches Dickinson the Series, tries to crack the code of a Dickinson poem, and invites you to write your own code poem.
Poetry Prompt: Love In Algebra
Join author Callie Feyen for a poetry prompt as she considers the many ways (some mathematical) to say, “I love you.”
Poets and Poems: Iain Thomas and ‘The Truth of You’
“The Truth of You,” a new poetry collection by writer and poet Iain Thomas, is an affirmation of both love and life.
Poetry Prompt: ‘Twelfth Night’ and the Fool
What do you do when reading (or living) a difficult story? Callie Feyen suggests you consider poetry and Shakespeare’s Fool from ‘Twelfth Night.’
‘A Wrinkle in Time’ Book Club: none but Love
Who wins? None but Love. Joins us for the last installment of our book club about Madeleine L’Engle’s classic, ‘A Wrinkle in Time.’
Winter Stars Book Club: Fantasy – “To The Shadows We Return”
In this week’s book club discussion of the short plays in Sonia Barkat’s Winter Stars, Callie Feyen considers the complexities of love and friendship in the fantasy play, “To the Shadows We Return.”
Poetry Prompt: Use Your Words
In a time when touch is largely prohibited, author Callie Feyen invites us to turn to poetry to express how we feel about friendship—using more than words.
Poetry Prompt: Like a Love Song
There are many ways to express love (some are quite silly). Take a drive with author Callie Feyen and her teenage daughter and listen to some love songs.
Poets and Poems: Ollie Bowen and “On the Occasion of a Wedding”
“On the Occasion of a Wedding,” the debut collection by poet Ollie Bowen, celebrates various kinds of love shared by two people.
Travel and Love: The Poetry of Catharine Savage Brosman
The poetry of Catharine Savage Brosman, especially in her later collections, is about travel, and the love she has for her “then and now again” husband.
St. Valentine’s Day Story: A Girl, a Priest, and a Letter
St. Valentine’s Day may be a huge industry today, but it started with an imprisoned priest, a young girl, and a letter in ancient Rome.
Poets and Poems: L.L. Barkat’s “Love, Etc.”
Love Etc. reminds us what eternity is, and what part of it is contained within ourselves.