Laura Boggess visits Craik-Patton House for a garden party and shares about the Year of the Monarch project.
Honeybees, Death, Grief, and Life: “The Honey Field” by Laura Boggess
“The Honey Field” by Laura Boggess is a story of death and grief, healing and recovery, life and love — and honeybees, of course.
Year of the Monarch: Butterfly Dreams
Laura Boggess dreams of the the monarch’s annual migration and wonders poetically if the monarchs, also, dream of her.
The Honey Field-1
Read the first installment in a delightful new serial novel by Mildred’s Garden author Laura Boggess. Then check back every two weeks for more!
Fiction Saved My Life: A NaNoWriMo Interview With Author Laura Boggess
Why write fiction? And how can you promote it if you’re an author? Catch this inspiring NaNoWriMo interview with author Laura Boggess.
50 States of Generosity: West Virginia
We continue our 50 States of Generosity series with a focus on West Virginia, The Mountain State, where “Mountaineers are Always Free.”
Poet Laura: Passing the Feather Again
Laura Boggess closes out her term as Poet Laura and passes the feather to Tweetspeak’s newest resident poet.
Sitting in ‘Mildred’s Garden’ with Laura Boggess
“Mildred’s Garden” by Laura Boggess combines music, poetry, the beauty of West Virginia, and a refugee story into a delight of a novel.
The Beekeeper Inn, Helvetia, West Virginia
Fictional characters Mildred and Cindy (from the novel Mildred’s Garden) continue their bed and breakfast tour, visiting the charming Beekeeper Inn, in the Swiss-American community of Helvetia, West Virginia.
Poet Laura: Deep Listening to Dog Days and Brown Thrashers
Join Laura Boggess and Natalie Goldberg and Emma Lazarus for deep listening with a Brown Thrasher amidst the dog days of summer.
Poet Laura: On Independence Day I Found a Butterfly
The butterfly heralds the arrival of summer and invites childlike wonder. Our Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, shares a butterfly story and three butterfly poems.
Poet Laura for Arbor Day: The Company of Trees
For Arbor Day, our Poet Laura reflects on the company of trees and a way of nurturing them from their infancy as backyard volunteers.
Poet Laura: Chocolate Saves Mardi Gras
Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, spends Mardi Gras without power but offers up a chocolate sonnet after a gift from her chocolate patron.
Poet Laura: Poultry Poetry—Feeding Grapes and Reading Sonnets to Chickens
This month, our intrepid Poet Laura visits chickens on a chilly day, bearing delicious grapes and heartfelt sonnets.
Poet Laura: The Generosity of the Earth
As we leave 2020, our Poet Laura reflects on the generosity of the earth to her inhabitants, and considers ways to give back to the earth. Earth poetry included!
Poet Laura: The Generosity of a Poem
Can a poem be generous? Our Poet Laura, Laura Boggess, considers the generosity of gifting a poem, whether crafted or curated, to another.
Poet Laura: A Dedication to Whimsy, From Your New Poet Laura
Meet Laura Boggess, our newest Poet Laura and the first “Laura” Poet Laura and get a glimpse of her dedication to whimsy.
Resilient Book Club: Part 4—Relating
In the final discussion in our book club of Resilient by Rick Hanson, Laura Boggess leads us in a conversation about Relating, and our inner strengths of courage, aspiration, and generosity.
Resilient Book Club: Part 3—Regulating
In this week’s book club discussion of Rick Hanson’s Resilient, Laura Boggess helps us consider a third way of meeting our needs and building resilience, through regulating our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
‘Waiting for Neruda’s Memoirs’ and Literary Citizenship
‘Waiting for Neruda’s Memoirs’ by Laura Boggess shows us how to be a literary citizen in our own little corner of the world. Meet Amy Pinkleberry.