For Mark Osler, life is not as much about being a poet as it is about having the language and structure that poetry offers.
The Joy of Poetry: As Much as She Could Carry
Enjoy an excerpt of the newest title from T. S. Poetry Press, The Joy of Poetry: How to Keep, Save & Make Your Life with Poems.
Journey into Poetry: Maureen Doallas
For some, reading and writing poetry is a way “through the tunnel and back into the light.” Follow Maureen Doallas’ Journey into Poetry.
Poetry at Work: Sue Spencer
In my journey into poetry at work, the poet in me wanted to make more of a difference, and the nurse in me realised that would happen best in health care.
Journey into Poetry: Victoria Addesso
On a trip to the shopping mall I visit the bookstore and buy my first book: Ariel. A thin paperback. I read it that night. I read it all summer long.
Journey into Poetry: Karen Clark
Although fascinated by the written word, Karen Clark convinced herself that becoming a poet was too sacred–an honor to which she could never aspire.
Journey into Poetry: Lakin Easterling
As a young person, Lakin Easterling fell asleep with the dictionary. Today, she shares her Journey Into Poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Richard Maxson
Richard Maxson kept journals, wrote essays, and penned a couple of one-act plays, but never poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Julie L. Moore
From her gruesome short stories in junior high to three full-length collections, poet and teacher Julie L. Moore shares her journey into poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Daniel Bowman Jr.
I learned that through reading, I could, as Emily Dickinson put it, “dwell in possibility.” Poet Daniel Bowman Jr. shares his journey into poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Tara Skurtu
Through a meandering journey into poetry, poet Tara Skurtu discovered that poetry can be just as healing an art as medicine.
Journey into Poetry: Marjorie Maddox
Marjorie Maddox was always a bookworm—as a child reading in the branches of trees, upside down on a couch, and, of course, in bed with a flashlight. Follow her Journey into Poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Amber Haines
Poetry acknowledged invisible things, the things that haunt us. Amber Haines shares her journey into poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Kathryn Neel
“I used poetry as a way to preserve my privacy and test out my hypotheses of the world. It was my way of encoding my views so no one could tell me my observations of people, places or things were childish, or incorrect.” Kathryn Neel shares her journey into poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Todd Davis
Poet Todd Davis shares his journey into poetry, inspired by his father.
Journey into Poetry: Paula J. Lambert
Paula J. Lambert describes her Journey into Poetry, from aspiring fiction writer to published poet, by way of pigs and prose.
Journey into Poetry: Richard Berlin
I didn’t start writing poetry until I was in my mid-forties. Growing up, I wasn’t the kind of kid who wrote poetry or holed up in his room writing a journal. As a teenager, I loved the singer-songwriters of the sixties — Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell – and I […]
Journey into Poetry: Duane Scott
What does it take to get someone into poetry? Apparently, for Duane Scott, a little bamboozling. And Billy Collins. And pajamas.
Journey into Poetry: Tania Runyan
I know poetry is where I’m meant to be. I just can’t escape it.
Journey into Poetry: Dave Harrity
I liked poetry at that point in my life, but I didn’t love it.