The best known haiku attribute — the 17-syllable count and 5-7-5 rhythm — turns out to be its least valid attribute. Christopher Patchel explores Why Haiku.
To Our Family (A Haiku)
There’s no single right way, but for those of us who scratch words, poetry–even haiku–can provide an outlet for working through our collective grief.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Random acts of poetry, communing with nature is not an excuse to get out of the office, going to class with Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath. It’s all in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks with Seth Haines.
Haiku Patience
Chris Yokel considers the haiku as a call out of the blur of modern life, and out of shallow thinking and living to a deep place in this reprint from The Curator.
Holiday Haiku: A Poetry Prompt
Holiday favorite “A Christmas Story” provides a backdrop for this week’s holiday haiku poetry prompt with Seth Haines. Careful. You’ll shoot your eye out.
A Holiday (Not a Haiku): A December Poetry Playlist
He knows if you’ve been bad or haiku, so be haiku for goodness sake. Seth Haines shares an inspiring holiday playlist.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Cowboy Christmas poetry, book sculptures from a mystery artists, why business leaders need to pay poetry its due. Seth Haines has this week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Kimberlee Conway Ireton.