In her new poetry collection, “The Grief Committee Minutes,” Sarah Carey explores the many kinds of losses and griefs we experience in life.
Poets and Poems: B.H. Fairchild and “An Ordinary Life”
In “An Ordinary Life,” poet B.H. Fairchild looks to the ordinary to find solace for grief at the death of his son.
Poets and Poems: Nancy Murphy and “The Space Carved by the Sharpness of Your Absence”
In “The Space Carved by the Sharpness of Your Absence,” poet Nancy Murphy makes sense of loss, grief, pain, and separation.
Poet Laura: What are we celebrating now?
Poet Laura Dheepa R. Maturi shares a game that brought family, generations (and Jane Austen) together in poignant whimsy.
Poets and Poems: Andrea Potos and “Her Joy Becomes”
In “Her Joy Becomes,” poet Andrea Potos invites the reader into her mind and her heart to experience what her mother meant to her.
Poet Laura: Invitation to Lightness from Dheepa Maturi
Meet Tweetspeak’s incoming Poet Laura, Dheepa Maturi, who promises a deep exploration of chocolate and an invitation to walk lightly together.
Poetry Prompt: Observation Poems
Observation poems lead to action. Join author Callie Feyen as she reads, writes, and acts on Dave Malone’s poem “Tornado Drill.”
Poets and Poems: Donna Hilbert and “Threnody”
“Threnody” by poet Donna Hilbert reminds us that lament is inspired by grief, which is in turn inspired by deep love.
Children’s Book Club: ‘Goodnight Star, Whoever You Are’
When a child loses someone, a story can be a helpful way to discuss grief. Jodi Meltzer’s “Goodnight Star, Whoever You Are” is one such story.
Poets and Poems: Sr. Sharon Hunter and “To Shatter Glass”
The 56 poems of “To Shatter Glass” by Sr. Sharon Hunter strive to make sense of a life filled with pain, grief, and suffering.
Poets and Poems: Peter A and ‘Art of Insomnia’
The poems of “Art of Insomnia” by Peter A tell the story of a profound grief, a loss so devastating that the poet questions his existence.
Poets and Poems: Shanna Powlus Wheeler and “Evensong for Shadows”
Shanna Powlus Wheeler’s first full poetry collection, “Evensong for Shadows,” suggests the omnipresence of grief — a measure of the loss of love or happiness or relationship, and very much a part of life.
Born to Be Good: Laughter Might Be the Best Medicine
Come laugh with us as we wrap up our book club discussion of Dacher Keltner’s Born to Be Good.
Poets and Poems: John Sibley Williams and “Disinheritance”
“Disinheritance” by John Sibley Williams is a beautiful, moving collection of poems dealing with grief, both real and imagined.
Poetic Voices: Chelsea Rathburn and Kristina Marie Darling
Two recent collections by Chelsea Rathburn and Kristina Marie Darling both deal with grief, but it is a grief different from that over physical death.
Haiku: Pierced by Beauty
Haiku forbids excess. The poet has 17 syllables (or fewer) in which to say, not the un-sayable, but what can be said. There is no room for explanation, only impression. Angela O’Donnell on the way haiku gives the fleet glimpse instead of exposition, a quick picture in place of a thousand words.
To Our Family (A Haiku)
There’s no single right way, but for those of us who scratch words, poetry–even haiku–can provide an outlet for working through our collective grief.