Karen Paul Holmes invites us to notice the small things and craft our own praise poems. Sample poems included!
By Heart: ‘The Good Life’ + New Wallace Stevens Challenge
It’s funny the things we are grateful for, in retrospect. Join us as we learn a poem of gratitude By Heart: “The Good Life” by Tracy K. Smith.
Poetry Prompt: Gratitude Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she walks through her dark morning and writes a gratitude poem and invites you to write your own gratitude poems.
A Basket of Favorite Thank You Notes
Each month, we slip a few poetic thank you notes to unlikely recipients: potatoes, evergreens, candles, ice. Looking over the past few months, here are just a few of our favorite thank you notes. Thank you for writing them! Or snapping a thankful picture.
Thank You Notes: Potatoes, Parsnips, and Other Root Vegetables
Thank You Notes is a monthly prompt that focuses on expressing our thanks to a particular person, place, or thing. This month, we’re crafting thank-you’s to potatoes, parsnips, and other root vegetables.
Thanksgiving Poems: A Table Poem
Thanksgiving poems, from gratitude to the table. This one has its share of both.