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Poet Laura: Dark Humor & Smarts in the Same Poem
In this month’s columns from Karen Paul Holmes, our Poet Laura invites us to write a dark humor poem using a sample Rupert Fike poem.
Poet Laura: To the Moon, Poetry!
Should the Poet Laura leave poems about Chicago or New York on the moon? Let the pizza decide.
Writing Prompt: Play With Your Food
Creative nonfiction writer, Callie Feyen, takes help from poet Tania Runyan to write food poetry. Come along and craft your own poem or story—purple carrots optional!
The Poetry of Friendship, with Pickles on the Side
Laura Lynn Brown serves Irish soda bread, the last Cara Cara orange, friendship, poetry, and disappearing kosher dills.
Eating and Drinking Poems: Anne Overstreet’s “Under Heaven”
Laura Lynn Brown recalls willing herself to eat some pomegranate seeds because she wanted to enjoy the food as much as she enjoyed the word, paired with Anne Doe Overstreet’s “Under Heaven” in the latest Eating & Drinking Poems.
Eating and Drinking Poems: Stephen Murabito’s “Alone with the Artichokes”
For poet Stephen Murabito, artichokes are a food of regret. Laura Brown prepares them a little differently, with Murabito’s poem “Alone with Artichokes.”
Eating and Drinking Poems: Storytelling and Luci Shaw’s “Eating the Whole Egg”
Any family story has multiple versions: what I remember, what you remember, what really happened. Laura Brown reflects on truth, fact, and the whole egg.
Eating & Drinking Poems: Savoring Succotash
Is succotash something to be suffered or savored? Laura Lynn Brown offers a warm reflection on the dish, with a savory succotash poem and Thanksgiving recipes.
Poetry Prompt: Cookie of Good Fortune
We think every cookie is full of good luck. Especially when they’re chocolate chip! Join our poetry prompt & bake up your own cookie of good fortune.
Bread, Pastries, & Pies: Photo Play 2
Explore the Photo Play 2 contributions from our community. Share your made-from-scratch poem inspired by all the different Bread, Pastries, & Pies you see.
Photo Play: Bread, Pastries, and Pies
Food photography can be poetry for the eyes, especially when its Bread, Pastries, & Pies. Join us as we pass around the baked goods. It’s Photo Play time!
Bread, Pastries, Pies Playlist & Prompt
This month’s playlist is a mouth-watering buffet of sweet musical delights. Listen along, share a pastry poem, and think about your New Year’s diet later.
Cheese Poetry: Read Your Labels Poetry Prompt
Raid the refrigerator and read your food labels with creativity in mind. Join us for our cheese themed poetry prompt.
Photo Prompts: Still Life With Cheese Photo Play
Capture beauty on a plate. Join us for this month’s Photo Prompts, and dabble in the art of food styling.
Say Cheese Poetry Prompt and a Playlist
It’s time for a new cheese poetry prompt and a playlist. We’ve got unique songs and a prompt that’s sure to bring on the cheese.
Ode To Rice Krispies: Playlist and Poetry Prompt
Welcome to this month’s poetry prompt and playlist! Listen along with us and write an ode to Rice Krispies, or your favorite breakfast cereal.