We wrap up our group reading of The Wild Swans by Jackie Morris, considering the patience of water and things to which we will give long years of our lives.
The Wild Swans: I Did Love to Fly
This month we’re reading The Wild Swans by Jackie Morris together. Join us for a conversation about wishes and curses and, of course, swans (and maybe write a poem to the fairy tale).
Poetry Prompt: Imaginary & Fantastical Creatures
Our poetry prompt invites you to design an extraordinary beast of your own imagination. “O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!” Explore nonsense poetry with us.
Top 10 Best Fairy Tale Poems
From Cinderella to Midas, Rumpelstiltskin to Red Riding Hood, we’ve gathered up a basket full of 10 best Fairy Tale Poems to skip through the woods with.
Photo Play 2: Fairy Tale and Fantasy
Explore the Photo Play contributions from our community. Jump into our fairy tale storybook and share your poetry magic with us!
Fairy Tale & Fantasy Playlist and Prompt
Our new Fairy Tale & Fantasy Playlist and Prompt is a fantastical journey to the kingdom of make-believe. Listen along and write a storybook poem with us.
Writing Prompt: Red #9
Writing prompt: try a fairy tale poem of your own today?