After winter comes thaw and a surprise—lapwing. Join us for the third and final book club discussing Katherine May’s “Wintering.”
Book Club Announcement: Wintering by Katherine May
It is winter, and the rooks are here. Join us for our next patron-only book club, discussing Katherine May’s book “Wintering,” beginning February 9.
Now All Roads Lead to France: Robert Frost’s Regrettable Poem Surprise
Within the single poem “The Road Not Taken” is a whole relationship; in it, one sees the way that relationship unfolded for Edward Thomas and Robert Frost.
Robert Frost and “The Road Not Taken”
Author David Orr argues that “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost is both the best known and most misunderstood American poem.
The Poetry of World War I
Tim Kendall’s anthology “Poetry of the First World War” explains how poetry came to be so connected with “the war to end all wars.”
Getting Published: Robert Frost
Getting published takes time. Not that this needs to be the goal for every writer, but if we are on a mission like Robert Frost, we should expect cost and passage.