Edith Wharton not only wrote fiction and nonfiction; she also wrote poetry, publishing her first collection at age 16.
The Best in Poetry: This Month’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
How awe makes us more generous, how rhythm can help dyslexic kids read, and how reading Ginsberg might get you fired. It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
Painting with tea, a tribute to Pride and Prejudice, the most “bank-clerky of all bank clerks. Seth Haines has the best in poetry in this week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks.
Literary Tour: At The Mount with Edith Wharton
Henry James said that “no one fully knows our Edith who hasn’t seen her in the act of creating a habitat for herself.” Perhaps you can catch a small glimpse of Edith Wharton’s spirit in these images taken during a recent visit to The Mount, her Lenox, Mass., estate.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
1 Art This afternoon while I sipped hot rooibos from a fancy gold-rimmed tea cup (Get on the bus, Gus. All the cool Tweetspeak kids are drinking tea now.), I thought to myself, “Gee, I wonder where I could get a complete listing of the 100 most iconic artworks of the last five years.” Imagine […]