It’s a very haunted Christmas in “The Box of Delights” and “The Children of the Green Knowe.” The night is dark, but the kids are all right.
C.S. Lewis: World War I Poet
In 1919, C.S. Lewis published a volume of poetry under a pseudonym. The collection reflected his experiences in World War I.
The Silver Chair Book Club: A Pattern That Others Made
In this final installment of our book club discussion of The Silver Chair, our trio rescue the Prince, and make their way back to Narnia, but not before discovering an important truth about the others with whom we share space in the world.
The Silver Chair Book Club: The Darkness Around Us Is Deep
In the dramatic escape scene of a children’s story, we discover important truths about staying awake to our lives and the world around us. Join us for the latest installment in our book club discussion of The Silver Chair.
The Silver Chair Book Club: The Circus Won’t Find the Park
Our young heroes continue their quest to rescue the Prince, and discover a hard learned secret about being in it together as our discussion of The Silver Chair continues.
The Silver Chair Book Club: Horrible Errors of Childhood
In the first installment of The Silver Chair book club, we consider the errors of childhood that haunt us in our efforts to good in the world.
Book Club Announcement: The Silver Chair
What we remember can be the key to finding our way, completing a task, maybe even saving the world. Join us for our new book club, where remembering is the way through the dark: The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis.
By Heart: “The Star” + New “Kindness” Challenge
Join author Megan Willome as she learns Jane Taylor’s “The Star” By Heart and gets a little twinkly. Lil Wayne sings along.
The Abounding Creativity of Middle-earth: An Appreciation of J.R.R. Tolkien
With his stories of Middle-earth, J.R.R. Tolkien gave us a legacy of abounding creativity and imagination, explaining how myths are made.
Reading in the Wild: January’s Pages
Come learn the secrets of being a wild reader. Or just share your January pages. Megan Willome leads the way, with her January good reads.
Literary Birthdays: C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, Madeleine L’Engle
C. S. Lewis shares a birthday with beloved authors Madeleine L’Engle and Louisa May Alcott. Kimberlee Conway Ireton gives tribute to the three.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Kimberlee Conway Ireton.