Can you make poetry out of painful moments in your life? Join queen bees and author Callie Feyen as she (and Miley Cyrus) show you how.
Tell the Bees—and Sue, and Sara, and Emily
The bees have something to say—to Sue Hubbell, to Emily Dickinson, and to Sara Eddy, our Summer Lights poet.
By Heart: ‘Wintering’ + New Charlotte Mew Challenge
We have a bit more wintering to do. Do you have your honey? Join us as we learn Sylvia Plath’s poem “Wintering” By Heart.
Poetry Prompt: Fall Invitation Poems
Writer Callie Feyen takes advice from poet Tania Runyan and instead of describing, she invites the reader into a memory of a fall day.
Artist Date: Apiary
On a visit to an apiary, the bees live out a powerful metaphor for anyone who wants to become a better writer.