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Poems to Listen By: Heart & Soil 06—Undertow
In this month’s Poems to Listen By episode, Laurie Klein features poems by Richard Maxson and Anne M. Doe Overstreet in a reflection on uncertainty.
Top 10 Best Street Poems
There is street poetry, and then there is street poetry. Poems on the street, and poems of the street. Here’s a collection of the latter, 10 great street poems.
Poetry Classroom: Shade Half Drawn
In the Poetry Classroom, you are invited to discuss the poems—their forms, images, sounds, meanings, surprises—and write your own poems along the way.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art There is a split of authority in my house. I tend to identify with the poetry of William Carlos Williams—so much depends upon that red wheelbarrow. I imagine the objects of Williams’ poetry, perhaps attaching a bit of unwarranted sentimentality or nostalgia […]
New Year’s: Resolutions Poem
A resolutions poem from Anne M. Doe Overstreet for the New Year.
Announcing Our 2013 Poetry Workshop!
Tweetspeak introduces our first poetry workshop. Anne M. Doe Overstreet will take you through an 8- or 12-week workshop she titles ‘Writing Your Environment.’ Come and be enchanted.
Journey into Poetry: Anne M. Doe Overstreet
I cannot remember a time when there was not a passion for cadence and knowing and naming. This is the stuff of poetry.