Abstract In Catch-22 and For Whom the Bell Tolls, the tone realizes the nature of the systems being explored. One system is a vicious circle, the other a balanced cycle. This tone is accomplished through a combination of language, setting, plot, character, and theme. The tone is examined primarily by looking at the straightforward and […]
Search Results for: sara barkat
The Horribly Tragic Deaths of Many of My Favourite Characters: Poem 3, Merlin and Arthur
In the spirit of Edward Gorey, the “Horribly Tragic Deaths” poems. This one, Merlin and Arthur.
Top Ten Independence Poems
All of us want a little independence; some of us want a lot. Which is to say that independence isn’t only a political thing. Celebrate (or keep reaching) with these 10 great independence poems.
Tweetspeak Poetry’s Top Ten Posts from the Last Month (or so)
What are we reading at Tweetspeak Poetry? Catch up on the top posts from last month (or so).
Choose the Poem of the Month
Looking for the best poem? It might be a matter of the heart. Help us choose the poem of the month!
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, That Lego Could Earn You Six Figures
English teaching resources that include legos? Yes. That lego could earn you big money someday. Go ahead, play.
Poem Analysis: Adrienne Rich’s ‘Diving into the Wreck’
Adrienne Rich’s “Diving into the Wreck.” An intriguing poem analysis that includes the whole poem, theme, tone and more. Let’s dive in!
English Teaching Resources: Incidentally, You Just Wrote for Three Hours
Our “Incidentally” column shares English Teaching Resources & opinions about the state of education, from a teacher who has worked the systems for almost 25 years. Today’s topic: teaching kids to write.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Chocolate sells books, poetry in the Windsor knot, the most famous book in South Dakota, and where money and writing collide: It’s our Top Ten Poetic Picks.
The Horribly Tragic Deaths of Many of My Favourite Characters—Poem 2, Kirk, Spock & Doc
A series of Edward Gorey-like illustrations and poems that chronicle the concocted demise of favorite literary and movie characters. Next up: a Star Trek trio.
Top Ten Poetry Videos
Poetry by its very nature is visual, its words alone enough to conjure vivid, lifelike images. Even so, we’ve rounded up ten great poetry videos.
The Horribly Tragic Deaths of Many of My Favourite Characters—Poem 1, Holmes and Watson
In the spirit of Edward Gorey, a series of illustrations and poems that chronicle the demise of favorite literary characters. Poem 1: Holmes and Watson.
Image-ine: Barbie Crime
Who committed the Barbie crime? The dolls (and the horse) are on the Barbie case.
Baby Would You Marry Me Animation
“Under a stone lies a poem that you once wrote to me.” Beautiful animation.
3 Star Trek Poems: Into Darkness
In honor of the 2013 Trekkies high holy day (the debut of the new movie Into Darkness, opens May 16th), we’re featuring Star Trek poems.
5 Great Ways for How to Write a Pantoum
Here are five great ways to write a pantoum. You weren’t looking for anything but great ways, right?
Poetry Humor: The Poet—Inspired at Last
What if inspiration struck, and this happened to you? Our poor Poet never seems to find his sweet spot.
Poetry Humor: The Poet—Writing Again
The poet writes again, and the sky’s the limit.
Poetry Humor: The Poet—Local Senior Ladies Club
If you’ve been following our Poet, you know he got his poetic license back, but only on probation. Community service: write for the Local Senior Ladies Club.
Poetry Humor: The Poet—Justice
The Poet enters a plea to get his poetic license back.