The Loki Goodness Campaign is a parody of a phenomenon among Thor and Loki fans, many whom believe Loki has gotten a bad rap and is actually good.
Search Results for: poetry prompts
PhotoPlay Prompt: A Ballad to Remember 2
Join us for part 2 of our PhotoPlay Prompt: A Ballad to Remember. Find an inspiring picture, write a poem, and be spirited away with a familiar song.
PhotoPlay and Prompt: A Ballad to Remember
A timeless ballad can spark a memory. A song can whisk a listener back, & for a moment rewind the clock. Join our PhotoPlay & show us a ballad to remember.
Top 10 Best Rose Poems
Robbie Burns didn’t write the first rose poem. But he may have written one of the best rose poems. Enjoy this fresh bouquet of 12—minus two!
The Loki Goodness Campaign, 2: Advice Column
The Loki Goodness Campaign is a parody of a phenomenon among Thor and Loki fans, many whom believe Loki has gotten a bad rap and is actually good.
The Loki Goodness Campaign, 1
The Loki Goodness Campaign is a parody of a phenomenon among Thor and Loki fans, many whom believe Loki has gotten a bad rap and is actually good.
PhotoPlay Prompt: Portrait of a Shell, Sand, and the Sea
Our senses are heightened by the surrounding wonder of the sea and shore. Feel the sand beneath your feet. It’s time for a little PhotoPlay and Prompt.
Top Ten Independence Poems
All of us want a little independence; some of us want a lot. Which is to say that independence isn’t only a political thing. Celebrate (or keep reaching) with these 10 great independence poems.
How to Write a Poem: Jealous Poem Stacks
English Teaching Resources: Poem stacks are good for starting something. Good for jealous days.
In Praise of the Ode (How to Write an Ode Infographic)
Our new “In Praise of the Ode” infographic will give you a little ode history, famous odes and ode-lers, and some great tips on how to write an ode.
The Mischief Café
Welcome to The Mischief Café, our welcome and announcement space for newcomers and regulars at Tweetspeak Poetry. For Tweetspeak Newcomers Want to connect with our community? Our Poetry Baristas are here to help you find your way. If they don’t happen to notice that you chose a table in the corner, feel free to wave […]
Quote a Day
Quote a day, for inspiration, sharing, or use as writing prompts! Three options: 1. Grab our Quote a Day widget and put it on your site ts Quote a Day ts Quote a Day Widget created by Sonia Joie. 2. Choose a quote from our beautiful selection of pre-made quotes on photographs 3. Choose a quote from […]
Writing Workshops: How to Powerfully Build Your Author Platform
Why do you need an author platform? Maybe you want to get an agent, sell a book proposal, or promote a book—self-published or with a traditional publisher.
Literary Birthdays: C.S. Lewis, Louisa May Alcott, Madeleine L’Engle
C. S. Lewis shares a birthday with beloved authors Madeleine L’Engle and Louisa May Alcott. Kimberlee Conway Ireton gives tribute to the three.
Poets and Writers Toolkit: 4 Ways to Generate Writing Ideas
How to generate writing ideas is a frequent question–and writing topic–for writers. How do you get your ideas? Charity Singleton Craig shares four ways.
Ghazal for a Gazelle: How to Write a Ghazal [Infographic]
Have you tried your hand yet? Our new poetry infographic shows you how to write a ghazal, complete with a smiling gazelle.
Top 10 Poems with Make-or-Break Titles
Your poem title sets the tone. We show how changing a title can create an entirely different poem. Plus 9 poems with make-or-break titles!
Fiction Jumpstart Workshop Fall 2013
Dream of writing the breakout novel? You need to start somewhere. Begin today, with our Fiction Workshop taught by bestselling author Anthony Connolly.
The Writing Life: Beginnings, Pt. 1
The athlete of the family lives in the shadow of her brother while secretly dreaming of a writing life of her own.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Emily Dickinson’s pickup lines, op-ed poetry, why you should draw with your 4-year-old. It’s a brand new week of our Top Ten Poetic Picks.