Our ghosts have taken a journey. Let’s not miss the opportunity to lean in and listen to (and tell) their stories. In the process, we may learn something about ourselves.
Search Results for: poetry prompts
Form It: Things Invisible Poetry Prompt
“Form It” is a poetry prompt that focuses on exploring our topic through form poetry. The prompt includes recommendations for each form’s best use! This time, we’re going to “form” Things Invisible.
Things Invisible: Poetry Prompt
Considered one of the greatest books of the 20th century, and one of the bestselling books of all time, The Little Prince is a beloved classic. Within this endearing story, we explore the relationship of the little prince and his special rose. Join us as we write poetry about things invisible… and essential.
Hanging by a Thread: Poetry Prompt
The tale of the Sword of Damocles offers a moral that is sometimes misunderstood. We promise not to leave you hanging by a thread. Come write a poetic tale with us!
Gordian Knot: Poetry Prompt
With the swoosh of his sword, Alexander cut the Gordian knot. Learn a bit about this fabled tale and its use in today’s lexicon. Write some poetry with us. Consider it a challenge.
Animate: Thread Poetry Prompt
This week’s poetry prompt asks you to imagine yourself a winding thread. Join us, animate yourself into a long, thin strand, and create poetry.
Love Knot: Poetry Prompt
A single strand of dark red ribbon winds its way around the ebony locks of Bess, the innkeeper’s daughter, creating a love knot. Entwine a poetic knot of love this week and write your own clove-hitch of the heart.
Horizon Line: Poetry Prompt
The simple string marking the space between earth and the sky is much more than it seems. It’s a line of possibility. Come with us on a journey along a horizon line and write some poetry exploring its potential.
Form It: Horizons Poetry Prompt
“Form It” is a poetry prompt that focuses on exploring our topic through form poetry. The prompt includes recommendations for each form’s best use! This time, we’re going to “form” horizons.
Expanding Horizons: Poetry Prompt
Dream big and take a chance. It’s time to consider expanding horizons and make a difference in your life. Write a poem about possibilities, opportunities, or plans. You can make it happen.
Defining the Horizon: Poetry Prompt
Join us as we set our eyes on the horizon and draw meaning from what we see and experience while gazing where the sky and landscape meet. Take it all in and write some poetry with us.
Animate: Snowflake Poetry Prompt
This week’s poetry prompt asks you to imagine yourself a snowflake. Join us, animate yourself into a tiny crystal of ice, and create poetry.
Poetry Prompt: A Little Magic
As children we had only dipped our tiny toes in the world, yet felt that everything and anything was possible. We believed in magic. Let’s do the same, and write it into poems!
Poetry Prompt: Good Mischief
If you’re looking to get into a little mischief, you’ve come to the right place. Join us for some inspiration and laughter, then write a poem about your antics, past and present.
Geography Love Poetry Prompt: Yellowstone National Park
The history of Yellowstone leads to its conservation as a national treasure “for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” Join us and write some poetry about Yellowstone and experience a little geography love, too.
Milk and Butter Poetry Prompt: Life With Milk
Milk is a significant part of the human story. Milk is a part of our beginnings. Pour yourself a glass, pull up a chair, and write poetry with us about milk and life.
Poetry Prompt: Small Kindnesses
Kindness is the fruit of empathy and understanding. Just as poetry inspires our thoughts, words, and actions, let us inspire one another with poems about small kindnesses.
Poetry Prompt: Life With Butter
Butter is one of the oldest known food sources and has been a constant symbol of life well-lived. Join us as we help ourselves to the butter and slather on an extra helping of it to our poetry.
Poetry Prompt: The Double Acrostic
One of the trickier types of acrostic poetry is the double acrostic, also known as shadow poetry. Join us as we stand up to the challenge and write some poetry.
Poetry Prompt: A Hidden Acrostic
Some acrostic poems are meant to be mysterious. Come along with us as we unravel a hidden acrostic poem and create some of our own.