I can appreciate why the Aztec considered chocolate an aphrodisiac. Just think of the sacrifices they made after experiencing that first rush of love!
Search Results for: poetry at work
Journey into Poetry: Laura Boggess
I was afraid of poetry. And so, I avoided it.
Journey into Poetry: David Rupert
I now realize that poetry isn’t a tool to impress. It’s a way to reflect the soul.
The Unofficially Official List of Top Poetry Sites
When was the last time you saw a list for The Top Poetry Sites? Now it exists, right here.
Journey Into Poetry: Charity Singleton Craig
I have to have poetry in regular doses or the other writing I’m doing begins to suffer.
Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America
Others far wiser than I have discovered poetry’s needful but long overlooked place in business
A Top 10 Poetry Christmas List
What’s on your poetry Christmas list?
Poetry Memorization: Write it on the Heart, Says Julia Kasdorf
I tell them committing a poem is a form of self love, like buying yourself a gift, only better.
Why Poetry, in a Simpson’s World?
Why is it so laughable to study poetry? Maybe because Hallmark has turned poetry into trite sentimentalism.
What is Poetry: Last Word (at least for now)
What is poetry? A shot in some dark, a walk in some woods, a maker’s feel for the material at hand, an intuition of what is needed?
What is Poetry: Falling in Love, 2
What is poetry? Any effort to define Poetry (with a capital “P”) in an exhaustive way is doomed to fall short. So why not offer a poet’s heresy.
The Village Watched: A Random Act of Poetry
There were so many great conversations, visual and verbal, offered up for this month’s collaborative prompt between The High Calling’s PhotoPlay and Random Acts of Poetry.
Twitter Poetry Party Tonight, 9:30-10:30 EST
National Poetry Month: Wallace Stevens
Wallace Stevens (1879 – 1955) was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, educated at Harvard and the New York Law School, and worked for most of his life as an attorney with the Hartford Insurance Company and its predecessors, and was a vice president at the time of his death. (He turned down a faculty position at […]
National Poetry Month: Marcus Goodyear
Marcus Goodyear is senior editor for TheHighCalling.org (sponsored by Foundations for Laity Renewal) and FaithintheWorkplace.com (sponsored by Christianity Today). His poetry has been published in Geez Magazine, 32 Poems and Stonework Journal. Barbies at Communion: and other poems, his first volume of poetry, was published in 2010 and selected as a notable book by Englewood […]
National Poetry Month: Pablo Neruda
Pablo Neruda was the pen name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto (1904-1973), a Chilean poet and diplomat whom Gabriel Garcia Marquez called “the great poet of the 20th century in any language.” The article on him at Wikipedia contains a wealth of information about his life, family, involvement in the Spanish Civil War, embrace and […]
National Poetry Month: Brendan Galvin
Brendan Galvin has published 21 books and chapbooks of poetry. He graduated from Boston College in 1960 with a B.S. degree in the natural sciences, and received his MFA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Massachusetts. One work, Atlantic Flyway (1980) was short-listed for the Pulitzer Prize and Habitat: New and Selected Poems, 1965-2005 […]
In Touch Magazine Seeking Poetry Submissions
In Touch, the monthly magazine of In Touch Ministries, now features work by contemporary Christian poets, including recent contributions from Nicholas Samaras, Anya Silver, Luci Shaw, and Robert Siegel (Samaras, Silver and Shaw have been featured here at TweetSpeak Poetry as part of National Poetry Month). They’re currently seeking poetry submissions—by known and unknown voices—that […]
National Poetry Month: Cyra Dumitru
Cyra Dumitru was born in The Hague, Holland and received degrees in English from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, in 1979 and the University of Texas at San Antonio in 1995. Her professional life has included residencies as a Poet-in-the-Schools as well as years of medical writing in Virginia and San Antonio. A passionate swimmer, […]
National Poetry Month: Maureen Doallas — and a Giveaway
Maureen Doallas is an honors graduate of Vassar College, and has been a features writer and editor for more than 35 years. One of her poems is included in the Gulf of Mexico charity anthology Oil and Water… and Other Things That Don’t Mix (LL-Publications, 2010); two poems appear at Poets for Living Waters; and […]