Nancy Franson completes the Poetry Dare and says, “I officially love poetry!” So was it just a stunt, or was this a true poetry-avoidant conversion?
Search Results for: poetry at work
Fiction Jumpstart Workshop Fall 2013
Dream of writing the breakout novel? You need to start somewhere. Begin today, with our Fiction Workshop taught by bestselling author Anthony Connolly.
Twitter Party: The Poetry Home Repair Manual
Tweetspeak Poetry’s recent poetry jam on Twitter used Ted Kooser’s “The Poetry Home Repair Manual” for prompts — with some surprising results.
Poetry Classroom: Iowa Tocatta
Welcome to this month’s poetry classroom, with poet and professor David Wright. Come discuss “Iowa” at Tweetspeak Poetry.
Twitter Poetry: Top Ten Poetic Tweets
We’re hosting a Twitter Poetry Party tonight. To get you warmed up, here are ten of the best poetic tweets we’ve seen in the last few weeks
Poetry Classroom: Violin at Sea
Welcome to the poetry classroom. Today we’re discussing “Violin at Sea.”
Journey into Poetry: Daniel Bowman Jr.
I learned that through reading, I could, as Emily Dickinson put it, “dwell in possibility.” Poet Daniel Bowman Jr. shares his journey into poetry.
A Poetry Dare for Will Oldham, the Anti-Poetry Guy
Will Oldham’s June 1, 2012 column in Poetry magazine from the Poetry Foundation has sparked a lot of controversy. It’s actually pretty poetic.
Poetry: The Teachers Who Teach Us
The teachers we have in middle school and high school can have a profound influence on how we understand and appreciate poetry throughout our lives.
Walk to Work with a Poet: The Wallace Stevens Walk
Take the Wallace Stevens Walk with us, following the stones engraved with the stanzas of “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” in Hartford, Connecticut.
Creative Writing Workshops: The Glen
Poet Tania Runyan travels to New Mexico to attend one of Glen’s Creative Writing Workshops: Glen West.
Ten Great Writing Playlists & Poetry Prompts
Do you have a favorite playlist you listen to while you write poetry? We’re featuring ten of our favorite themed writing playlists.
Poetry Review: Frank Bidart’s “Metaphysical Dog”
Frank Bidart’s latest poetry collection, Metaphysical Dog, should be read as one long poem rather than 39 individual poems.
Writing Workshop: The Writing Life
A writing workshop that will go beyond the usual fare, as it helps you develop a lasting writing life.
Your Workshop Adventure Will Begin Soon
We’re so pleased you’ve signed up for the writing workshop! Get ready to take a marvelous journey. A few days before the class, we will email you with instructions on how to access your workshop and get: • An overview of the course schedule • Detailed information on what will be expected from you • […]
Operation Poetry Dare: Poetry Brain
Can everyone write poetry? Or only those with a poetry brain? Looks like Nancy Franson is trying to talk herself out of writing a poem as her Poetry Dare continues.
Operation Poetry Dare: For the Love
Can poetry be taught or learned? Or is it a relationship one enters into? Nancy Franson continues her experimental reading in the Poetry Dare. Settle down now. Drink some cranberry juice.
Journey into Poetry: Tara Skurtu
Through a meandering journey into poetry, poet Tara Skurtu discovered that poetry can be just as healing an art as medicine.
Now Look Who’s Writing Poetry: Cats
Cats write poems about family, work, play, and existence in I Could Pee on This by Francesco Marciuliano.
Serious Fun: How We Spent Take Your Poet to Work Day
From Neruda driving the morning commute to T.S. Eliot settling down for a good night’s sleep, we celebrated Take Your Poet to Work Day around the world. Enjoy a recap of our favorite images and tweets.