Plan a poetry date with a friend, sibling, co-worker, lover. Choose a poet, a venue, a snack or a drink, and read to each other. Today’s date: Tolkien!
Search Results for: poetry at work
Poetry Dare: What Tangled Webs T. S. Eliot Weaves
Sandra Heska King’s poetry dare continues, while she suspends herself in the web woven by T. S. Eliot’s marvelous collection of words.
Poetry and Photo Prompts: Spanish Lace Photo Play
Photographs can have a poetic voice. With photography as in poetry, sometimes what isn’t said is just as important as what is. Join us for our latest Photo Play prompt, finding lace in nature, and letting it tell us what isn’t said.
Spanish Lace: Playlist & Poetry Prompt
If you look closely, the intricate pattern of Spanish Lace has a story to tell. We’ve woven together a new playlist of songs—from Spanish lace to lace in general, from the group Paper Lace to some great Spanish love songs. An intoxicating variety of tunes, and a poetry prompt.
Poetry and Photo Prompts: Doors & Passageways Photo Play
Join our Photo Play opportunity to explore our monthly poetry themes in a visual way (or write a poem, if you prefer!). First up: Doors & Passageways.
Doors & Passageways: Playlist & Poetry Prompt
Listen to our new Doors & Passageways playlist, then write a doors or passageways poem, including a line of the lyrics if you like.
Top Ten Posts of 2013 at Tweetspeak Poetry
As we turn the page to 2014, we’re playing back the most popular posts at Tweetspeak Poetry of 2013. Not surprisingly, these posts reflected our commitment to play, learn, and grow.
New York City Meetup with Tweetspeak Poetry
Tweetspeak Poetry is planning a New York City Meetup this spring! So many details to come. And arrangements to be made.
Poetry in the Cubicle: The Weight of the Poem
What do you do with the poem you cannot write? You follow it. Even if it never leaves the four square walls of your office cubicle. Join Richard Maxson for Poetry at Work.
Reading and Writing Workshops: Tolkien I – The Silmarillion, The Hobbit, & Tolkien Life
Are you a lover of Tolkien who wants to learn more about the depths of his mythology? This workshop is for you!
Night Poetry: Darkness and Villanelle Poems
Try your hand at a night poem that easily captures the ambiguity of darkness, simply by virtue of its form.
Our Favorite Books About Poetry
The Tweetspeak Poetry editorial team shares a list of our favorite books about poetry.
Great Gifts for CoWorkers, Under $15
Bring smiles (and even life-changing possibility) to friends and associates—with these great gifts for coworkers, under $15!
Writing Workshops: How to Powerfully Build Your Author Platform
Why do you need an author platform? Maybe you want to get an agent, sell a book proposal, or promote a book—self-published or with a traditional publisher.
Journey into Poetry: Lakin Easterling
As a young person, Lakin Easterling fell asleep with the dictionary. Today, she shares her Journey Into Poetry.
Simple Tips on Finding and Working With a Book Publicist
Finding and working with a publicist is made simple with these tips from publishing expert Jane Friedman.
Cat Poetry: The Cat’s Meow Playlist & Prompt
Cat poetry has been around for a long time. And why not? Cats are just so intriguing!
Journey into Poetry: Richard Maxson
Richard Maxson kept journals, wrote essays, and penned a couple of one-act plays, but never poetry.
Journey into Poetry: Julie L. Moore
From her gruesome short stories in junior high to three full-length collections, poet and teacher Julie L. Moore shares her journey into poetry.
Creative Writing Workshops: Festival of Women Writers
Donna Falcone discovered some creative writing workshops at the inaugural Festival of Women Writers at Hobart Book Village in New York.