Seth Haines invites you to share your purple-themed poetry, your indigo verses, your plum-good musings with a new poetry prompt and themed playlist. Who knows, maybe we’ll feature your work in an upcoming piece at Tweetspeak!
Search Results for: playlist
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
Painting with tea, a tribute to Pride and Prejudice, the most “bank-clerky of all bank clerks. Seth Haines has the best in poetry in this week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks.
10 Great Pride and Prejudice Resources
Ten great Pride and Prejudice Resources. Okay, some are just plain fun. But that’s great too, no?
Battle of the Beverages (Another Coffee Poetry Prompt)
The beverage wars are on. This week’s poetry prompt pits coffee against soft drinks (or any other drink, really) in a duel to the death.
How Do You Take It? (A Coffee Poetry Prompt)
Cream is only good when it’s fronted by Eric Clapton, and the highest form of coffee sacrilege is its dilution with dairy. That’s one man’s opinion. What about you? How you take it? Seth Haines has another poetry prompt.
January Poetry Prompt: Coffee or Tea? Hallelujah, Rosie Lea!
Welcome to a new year here at Tweetspeak Poetry. With this new year comes a new series of Monday poetry prompts to help you get your week started right! If you’ve been with us for a while, you know the drill–I’ll provide a writing prompt touching on Tweetspeak’s monthly theme, and you’ll compose a poem to […]
Our Favorites from the 2012 Poetry Themes
Every month, we arrange the way we play poetry around a particular theme. You’ll see it in the artful content from our contributing writers, hear it in our inspiring thematic Spotify playlists, put your hands on it in the Monday morning poetry prompts, or experience it in the daily offerings from Every Day Poems. Here are our favorites from 2012.
Why Haiku: Not Just 5-7-5
The best known haiku attribute — the 17-syllable count and 5-7-5 rhythm — turns out to be its least valid attribute. Christopher Patchel explores Why Haiku.
Holiday Haiku: A Poetry Prompt
Holiday favorite “A Christmas Story” provides a backdrop for this week’s holiday haiku poetry prompt with Seth Haines. Careful. You’ll shoot your eye out.
Surrealism Poetry Prompt: Dali the Surrealist, the Prophet
Seth Haines has a new poetry prompt for our surrealist theme building on the tradition of Salvador Dali’s “The Faces of War.”
Casting a Line for Surrealist Poetry
Herds of bison, bears with missing legs, and the Osborne Bridge. Matthew Kreider casts a line into a river of black coffee in the name of surrealist poetry.
November Surrealism: The Treachery of Images
Surrealists attempted, by way of their art, to juxtapose different realities so as to signify a new one. Seth Haines has a new poetry prompt challenging you to create your own new reality.
Flash Fiction Friday: The Revival
A marlin, a pizza parlor, and a young girl. That’s all Tania Runyan needed for her latest flash fiction piece.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Repurposing books into purses, the presidents’ favorite poetry, and why you need a contrarian in your life. Will Willingham has all this and more in This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
A $130 million art heist, growing a beard like Walt Whitman, and Poe’s Raven teaches poetry at home. Seth Haines has this week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
Efrat Ben Zur and her new album, what’s Emily Dickinson got to do with it, our favorite writers. It’s this month’s Top 10 Poetic Picks!
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Seth Haines. 1 Art I have always wondered about the resale market for stolen art. We’ve all seen the great art-heist capers where a stolen Monet was carried across the world in a courier tube and sold to some Italian billionaire who, despite running an […]
Songs for Our Theme This Month: Wine and Beer
Tweetspeak celebrates Oktoberfest with our monthly theme of Wine and Beer. Whether you’re after a sweet lagered malt with just a thin lacing, a bold shiraz that wants to take its own self out of the bottle, or a dry Albariño with green apple notes, there’s a song here to please your poetic palate. Pick […]
Songs for Our Theme this Month: The Poet
This month, Tweetspeak is celebrating “The Poet, ” and in musical fashion Seth Haines has compiled this playlist featuring some of the world’s greatest poets and songwriters. Seth has attempted to pair spoken-word poems with songs in a way that creates a series of “couplets.” Save for the introductory couplet (Marsalis/Peyroux), each couplet attempts to explore a […]
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Will Willingham. 1 Art As an insurance adjuster, I find the term “perfect storm” an unfortunate combination of words, unless we simply mean the sort of storm which generates a lot of business for me but in which no one is hurt and only easily […]