Some businesses are tuned in to art as an important corporate value, expressed with bold colors and plentiful displays of art gracing the walls. J.B. Wood challenges workers to “get your art on.”
Search Results for: perspective
July Mosaics: Juxtaposition
Years ago, I had the privilege of rubbing eyeballs with royalty. Flanked by an impressive retinue of distinguished figure heads, the fair-skinned and curly-haired king stood before a hushed audience at my university and delivered a cultural manifesto on the artist’s role in creating the juxtaposition of political and religious imagery to benefit and protect society.
But I was more interested in his shoes.
The Poetry of the Tree
Karen Swallow Prior considers the poetry of the tree, from Joyce Kilmer’s ‘Trees’ to ‘The Dream of the Rood.’
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider.
This Week’s Top Ten Poetic Picks
The best in poetry (and poetic things), this week with Kimberlee Conway Ireton.
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
The best in poetry, (and poetic things), this week with Matthew Kreider.
Look Up, (and Don’t Blush)
Could you find a poem by looking up?
What is Poetry: Falling in Love, 2
What is poetry? Any effort to define Poetry (with a capital “P”) in an exhaustive way is doomed to fall short. So why not offer a poet’s heresy.
Glass Slipper Sonnets
Does a writing a sonnet feel like an ill fit? This fun glass slipper essay will make it (a little) easier.
Anne Overstreet: Influences and Faith
In June, poet Anne Overstreet published her first collection of poems, entitled Delicate Machinery Suspended: Poems. It is about memory and faith, affection and love, work done and work done well, and even playfulness. The poems are about a life observed, but also a life to come. It’s a beautiful work.
Nick Samaras’ “Hands of the Saddlemaker”
Nicholas Samaras received the award in the 1991 for the Yale Series of Younger Poets competition for this volume of poetry, Hands of the Saddlemaker. Now 20 years old, it has aged well; its themes of exile, pilgrimage, separation and “in this world but not of it” are as current now as they were then, […]
God in the Yard: Spiritual Practice for the Rest of Us (Press Release)
Take a spiritual journey without leaving your backyard God in the Yard: Spiritual Practice for the Rest of Us by L.L. Barkat invites readers to break away from technology and experience solitude in nature an hour every day. NEW YORK – Imagine taking time every day for one hour to do something…and do it for […]
Editing a Twoem (Twitter Poem)
After cleaning the horse stables came a Twitter poem (or two). It’s true.