Fairytales and fables invite us to an imaginary world with clever animals and princes bewitched and transformed into ghastly beasts. Create a beast of your own imagination, one whose story deserves to be told— with poetry.
Search Results for: Laura Lynn Brown
Tea Quest: De Fer Coffee and Tea
Laura Brown makes her way to the local farmers market to sample teas from De Fer Coffee and Tea in the latest stop on the Pittsburgh tea quest tour.
Eating and Drinking Poems: Stephen Murabito’s “Alone with the Artichokes”
For poet Stephen Murabito, artichokes are a food of regret. Laura Brown prepares them a little differently, with Murabito’s poem “Alone with Artichokes.”
Spending Take Your Poet to Work Day In and Out of Pocket
We celebrated our 5th annual Take Your Poet to Work Day this week. Check out all the fun places our favorite poets hung out!
Writing Workshop: Words You Can Taste!
In this delicious food-writing workshop, you’ll have a chance to look at popular favorites (potatoes, bread, cakes, anyone?) and a rainbow of foods you may or may not have ever developed a love for (eggplant, olives, sugar-coated rose petals?). Come write words you can taste!
Tea Quest: Silver Tips Tea Room, Tarrytown, New York
Laura Brown’s tea quest takes a detour into New York for a stop at the Silver Tips Tea Room in Tarrytown where the river is astonishingly wide, the egg souchong delicious.
Tea Quest: Tupelo Honey Tea Loft, Millvale, Pa.
Laura Brown’s tea quest takes her to Tupelo Honey Teas Cafe and a selection of Pittsburgh-specific tea blends especially for Yinzers n’at.
A Basket of Favorite Thank You Notes
Each month, we slip a few poetic thank you notes to unlikely recipients: potatoes, evergreens, candles, ice. Looking over the past few months, here are just a few of our favorite thank you notes. Thank you for writing them! Or snapping a thankful picture.
Tea Quest: Bantha Tea Bar, Pittsburgh
In the schedule’s in-between space, Laura Brown discovers a new tea shop on her Pittsburgh tea quest, and a fragrant cup of tulsi.
Eating and Drinking Poems: Storytelling and Luci Shaw’s “Eating the Whole Egg”
Any family story has multiple versions: what I remember, what you remember, what really happened. Laura Brown reflects on truth, fact, and the whole egg.
In Search of The Best American Essays
Laura Brown goes on a tour of Pittsburgh’s independent bookstores in search of the 2016 edition of The Best American Essays.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Poets Just Want to Have Pun
We celebrated the fourth annual Take Your Poet to Work Day yesterday and discovered that, in many cases, our Poets Just Want to Have Pun.
Top 10 Dip Into Poetry Lines
We enjoy a daily sharing over Every Day Poems on Twitter, inviting you to dip into poetry with us. Check out our favorite 10 lines from the last few months.
Every Day Ideas: Every Day Sketches
Use a line from an Every Day Poems selection and share pictures of your Every Day Sketches, and we’ll save them for possible inclusion in a special “Every Day Ideas” ebook.
And the Book, Tea & Panera Winners Are!
Who won the most amazing tea and a lovely gift book for mom? Stop in and see.
Book, Tea & Panera Certificate Giveaway!
We’re wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving with a beautiful book, tea, and toast Thanksgiving giveaway!
It Was So Random: Random Acts of Poetry Day
People all over the world celebrated Random Acts of Poetry Day, slipping poems under doors and taping them to bathroom mirrors. Here are the highlights.
Take Your Poet to Work Day: Poets Who Didn’t Want to Be at Work
If there was a common theme for our poets in this year’s Take Your Poet to Work Day celebration, it was that they didn’t want to be at work.
Congratulations and Writing Opportunity: Makes You Mom
A new website that could be a writing opportunity. You have a mom, right? There might be something you could write at Makes You Mom.
Top Ten Favorites from Poetry at Work Day 2015
As our third annual celebration of Poetry at Work Day concludes, we give you our top ten highlights, 47 tweets at a time.