National Poetry Month Is on the Way! What are your plans? We’d love to help you find what you need to make it the best.
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Poets and Poems: Forrest Gander and “Mojave Ghost”
“Mojave Ghost,” a novel poem by Forrest Gander, combines the physical landscape of the desert with the interior landscape of the mind.
Poems to Listen By: Yondering—6: Restricted Travel
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Poets and Poems: Siân Killingsworth and “Hiraeth”
In “Hiraeth: Poems,” Siân Killingsworth looks at how we remember people and events and how we never can go home again.
Braving the Poem: Interview with Catherine Abbey Hodges
It was a full moon night when Catherine Abbey Hodges first began writing poetry. That brave moment has stayed with her. Come be inspired by Catherine’s poetry journey and insights!
Poets and Poems: Donna Hilbert and “Gravity”
“Gravity: New & Selected Poems” by Donna Hilbert allow the reader to see the poet’s development of her theme of home, family, and life.
Poets and Poems: Emily Patterson and “So Much Tending Remains”
In “So Much Tending Remains,” poet Emily Patterson watches her child grow from birth to toddlerhood, reflecting what parenthood means.
“The Sadbook Collections 2″ by Sara Barkat
“The Sadbook Collections 2” by Sara Barkat provides cartoons of a stick figure character who has a poetic heart.
Poems to Listen By: Yondering—5: Upon Arrival
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