Welcome to The Mischief Café, our welcome and announcement space for newcomers and regulars at Tweetspeak Poetry.
For Tweetspeak Newcomers
Want to connect with our community?
Our Poetry Baristas are here to help you find your way. If they don’t happen to notice that you chose a table in the corner, feel free to wave them on over. Tell them what you love: coffee, tea, cinnamon toast with or without butter. Rumi, Neruda, Teasdale or another poet altogether.
Before you know it, they’ll bring a sweet surprise to your table. And a smile. Always. Because they are some of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet.
You can also chat with them about any questions you might have. If they aren’t sure of the answer, they’ll point you to someone who can take care of you.
Our Poetry Baristas & Tea Pourers
Sandra Heska King
Bethany Rohde
For Tweetspeak Regulars
Need a little encouragement? Advice? Coffee, tea, or toast? Let our baristas know. They’re happy to make your day if they can.
Get Ideas for a Poetry Club
Put a little richness into your friendships, whether at home, school, or work. Start a poetry club! We’ve got 10 great ideas for how to start one and keep it going, here.
February Menu
“Magic, mischief, merriment, and mirth.” That’s Tweetspeak. Welcome to our Mischief Café! Here’s what’s on the menu…
• The usuals: tea, coffee, toast, poets and poems. Let our baristas know your favorites! (Seriously. Find them on Notes and let them know.)
• Explore our range of writing resources to inspire you
• Try Your Hand at Our Latest Writing Prompts. Our February theme is Clearings.
• if you haven’t already, subscribe to ✨ Every Day Poems for daily peace & inspiration
• Enjoy a sample of our patron-only Poems to Listen By audio series
• Experience The Creativity Café (patron exclusive)
How to Be a Tweetspeak Regular
1. Our monthly menu (above) is a great place to find stuff that Tweetspeak “regulars” are sure to be reading or doing
2. Get our poetry newsletter, to receive top posts of the week in a beautiful, inviting format—as your first perk if you become a patron
3. Subscribe to Every Day Poems, and read a beautiful poem a day. You’ll notice that the regulars at Tweetspeak do this. They subscribe for the way it inspires daily and connects them to our literary citizen community, with a shared reading experience that also works to make them better writers
4. A core group of our regulars enjoy Tweetspeak exclusives and make sure that all the smart, fun, life-giving materials we have to offer stay in their world (and the world)
5. Experience The Creativity Café, a cozy co-creating space you can access when you become a Tweetspeak patron
Top tea photo by L.L. Barkat. Used with permission. Inside tea photo by Alejandro Hernandez, Creative Commons license via Flickr.