It was only when I started writing poems that I began to understand that good and bad jobs, and best and worst jobs, often walk hand in hand.
Writing Prompts Galore
A delicious selection of writing prompts—from poetry prompts to fiction prompts and more.
Write along with our community. (We love that.)
Maybe get featured.
(We ask your permission, if we'd like to feature you in Every Day Poems!)
Battle of the Beverages (Another Coffee Poetry Prompt)
The beverage wars are on. This week’s poetry prompt pits coffee against soft drinks (or any other drink, really) in a duel to the death.
How Do You Take It? (A Coffee Poetry Prompt)
Cream is only good when it’s fronted by Eric Clapton, and the highest form of coffee sacrilege is its dilution with dairy. That’s one man’s opinion. What about you? How you take it? Seth Haines has another poetry prompt.
January Poetry Prompt: Coffee or Tea? Hallelujah, Rosie Lea!
Welcome to a new year here at Tweetspeak Poetry. With this new year comes a new series of Monday poetry prompts to help you get your week started right! If you’ve been with us for a while, you know the drill–I’ll provide a writing prompt touching on Tweetspeak’s monthly theme, and you’ll compose a poem to […]
Surrealism Poetry Prompt: Dali the Surrealist, the Prophet
Seth Haines has a new poetry prompt for our surrealist theme building on the tradition of Salvador Dali’s “The Faces of War.”
November Surrealism: The Treachery of Images
Surrealists attempted, by way of their art, to juxtapose different realities so as to signify a new one. Seth Haines has a new poetry prompt challenging you to create your own new reality.
October Prompt: Glühwein Memories
Like the secret sauce of Christmas, some things are better left to simmer, and sweeten, and linger soft in the memory. Seth Haines has a prompt for poetry with your wine or beer memories.
Texas Beer: (512) Brewing Company, Malone, and Katy Perry
Texas beer and Katie Perry are both a little misunderstood. A tour of Texas beer with Seth Haines turns up full flavors and a new poetry prompt.
Image-ine: Paired Off
Artist Evy Lareau and poet Maureen Doallas pair off to produce a lovely piece of visual poetry.
Ordinary Genius: Myths and Fairy Tales
Terrible things happen in fairy tales. Even in the watered-down Disney versions, stepmothers try to poison their stepdaughters, children are lost in the woods and captured to be eaten, young women are imprisoned in towers. LW Lindquist leads our latest book club discussion on Kim Addonizio’s Ordinary Genius.
October Spirits—Bergström’s Place (A Poetry Prompt)
I am happy for my friend and toast, “here’s to fine people who are bringing in the harvest. Here’s to the good earth. Here’s to Rusty!” We raise our glasses and drink heartily, just the way Rusty would were he among us.
Seth Haines uncorks a new Monday wine and beer poetry prompt.
Workspace Poetry
Observe the space you work in. No matter how simple and plain or how complex and luxurious, it contains poetry. Can you find it?
October Spirits: A Beverage Pairing Prompt
Much is made of the pairing of food with wine or beer. There’s nothing like a hearty Cab with a thick cut steak. It’s a smooth Guiness that best foils the crisped fat of a hamburger. And though there are volumes written about which white wine plays best with curried chicken, there seems to be […]
Ordinary Genius: Entering Poetry (part 2)
Poetry asks for your intelligence and spirit. It is hard work, but good work. Come along with Kim Addonizio and enter poetry by working on your lines…
Oktoberfest: Raise a Glass
Wilkommen in Oktober! What’s with the German accent, you ask? It is the last week of Oktoberfest, that German celebration commemorating the marriage of the Crown Prince Ludwig to Princess Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen in October of 1810. It is said that the royal wedding party was so grand that the citizens of Bavaria decided […]
Ordinary Genius: Entering Poetry
The other day I stumbled onto an old Google Talk conversation with a friend, from about a year ago. The conversation went something like this: Friend: I lurked at the Tweetspeak Twitter party last night. Me: I can’t do the Tweetspeak. Too confusing. Friend: I was lost. I’m too literal. Me: L.L. tagged me on […]
September: Tea for Two (on Proper Sweet Tea)
Some define the boundaries of the American south by way of the Mason Dixon line. Others define its lines by allegiances during the War of Northern Aggression. Frankly, I find both such delineations to be crude and lacking in nuance. No, I do not ascribe to traditional notions of defining the South. Instead, I reckon its […]
Tea for Two: Autumn
The first fall drizzle blew into Fayetteville this weekend, and though it wasn’t yet cold enough to kindle the fireplaces, someone in the neighborhood tried. The smoke came wafting down the road and through my open window. There is a gathering up in Autumn, and not of leaves. I smell it in the fires and […]
September: Tea for Two (on smell memories)
Diving headlong into the world of tea can be disorienting. I know this firsthand. Last week I decided to kick the coffee habit for a month and opted to replace it with a more refined and elegant beverage—tea. But as I visited the local market’s tea aisle, my head swam with the options—black teas, green […]
Fiction Friday: He Said, She Said
Last week I received my shiny, colorfully bird-laden copy of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction. Books like this don’t usually show up at my house: I’m a poet, through and through. But I’ve also had this little fling with fiction on the side since attending the Midwest Writers’ Conference, where I practically skipped out […]