We had an unexpected music revel at The Colony, an old hotel built in Woodstock in 1929. Peek in for fun photos of the band, the hotel, and a poetry prompt!
Writing Prompts Galore
A delicious selection of writing prompts—from poetry prompts to fiction prompts and more.
Write along with our community. (We love that.)
Maybe get featured.
(We ask your permission, if we'd like to feature you in Every Day Poems!)
Poetry Prompt—Journeys: Woodstock Dream
The “100 Coffee Shops” tour begins! Our second stop is Woodstock, New York. And it’s a fabulous one. Highly recommend.
Poetry Prompt: O, Soul
Our February theme is “Heart and Soul,” and today we’re thinking solely about the latter. Let’s take our Souls on a journey in poetry!
Poetry Prompt: Heart & Soul
Join us for a little Heart and Soul this month, beginning with the famous song “Heart and Soul” and a sweet poetry prompt.
Gathering Hope: Baby Robin
Gathering Hope is a new occasional column that finds the sublime and hopeful in nature. Come see the “Baby Robin” and experience a hopeful moment of awe and delight.
Poetry Club Tea Date ✨ The Poet
Get your favorite steep (or brew) & join us in writing a poem based on “The Poet” by Yone Noguchi.
Poetry Prompt: Journeys!—Or … Veni, Vidi, Vici
What happened when we journeyed to the famous Louvre museum? Enjoy this fun veni, vidi, vici story, and craft a poem on the way.
Going on Holiday—Things to Unwrap While We’re Away!
We’re going on holiday. But before we go, we’re sharing a few things for you to unwrap while we’re away. See you on Jan 2!
Every Day Poems: Community Mandalas + New Poetry Club Invitation!
Join the next Every Day Poems club activity, and craft a Wish List poem to celebrate that time of year when we look for wishes to come true.
Poetry Prompt: Pearls & Moons
We’re celebrating the release of ‘Under the Pearl Moon,’ a new collection by Every Day Poems editor Rick Maxson. Come pen a “pearls & moons” poem!
Poetry Prompt: Abstract Poetry
Abstract poetry is the perfect kind of verse to write as a form of playing with words, to shake loose your inner poetic style.
Can You Halloween Haiku?
Haiku is usually reserved for nature in its transcendent moments. But this is Halloween, where (almost) anything goes. So why not try out a Halloween haiku?
Poetry Prompt: Surprising Straw
What do you think of when you hear the word “straw”? Maybe The 3 Little Pigs. Or maybe one of the many surprising uses of straw. Let’s make (strong) poems out of straw!
Every Day Poems: Community Collages + New Poetry Club Invitation!
Peek in on the community collages offered for our last Every Day Poems poetry club activity. Then maybe get inspired for a collage of your own!
From A to Z, the Abecedarian Isn’t Just for Chaucer—Poetry Prompt!
Get your Medieval Vibes on and craft an abecedarian poem. How is this A-Z poem different from an acrostic? Read on to find out. Plus try the poetry prompt.
10 Great Medieval Vibes Photos to Inspire Your Writing!
Looking for poetry writing inspiration? Go no further than this list of 10 great medieval vibes photos! Plus some fun medieval cooking terms you may never have encountered before.
Poetry Prompt: Back to School, in the Second Person
Find your way back to school with this poetry prompt that uses second person. The trip might be deeper, more dreamlike if you do.
Poetry Prompt: Into the Cave
Bring your courage and your curiosity and come into the cave with our “Into the Cave” poetry prompt!
Poet Laura: The Butterfly Effect—Year of the Monarch
Dheepa R. Maturi, Tweetspeak’s Poet Laura, invites us to participate in the Year of the Monarch, a project both practical and poetic, to help our butterfly friends.
Congrats to Our Illustrator Sara Barkat! — Featured on Substack
Our illustrator Sara Barkat has been featured by Substack. Come celebrate the honor with her, and maybe pen a poem to go along.