How does learning a new skill help free us to become more ourselves? Join author Callie Feyen as she begins with her feet in a Zumba class. Then write a poem!
Writing Prompts Galore
A delicious selection of writing prompts—from poetry prompts to fiction prompts and more.
Write along with our community. (We love that.)
Maybe get featured.
(We ask your permission, if we'd like to feature you in Every Day Poems!)
Book Club Announcement: “The Art of the Essay”
Get ready to join Tweetspeak Poetry for some essay-writing! Join us next month for a book club about Charity Singleton Craig’s ‘The Art of the Essay.’
Farmacology Book Club: Good Tilth for the Land, the Body and Our Writing
Whether it’s the soil where food is grown, the food we put in our bodies, or the writing we put on the page, we need good tilth. Charity Singleton Craig discusses the natural and self-sustaining nutrient cycles in our Farmacology book club.
Poetry Prompt: Wasps as Metaphor
What metaphors can you find in your life to explore in your writing? Join author Callie Feyen as she considers a tree outside her home, and also, wasps.
Where Foreshadowing and Symbolism Meet: Adumbration
Create layers and depth in your writing by trying the technique of adumbration, which occurs at the intersection of foreshadowing and symbolism. Charity Singleton Craig explains how.
Stairs & Ascensions Poetry Prompt: Beginnings
What do first steps in a new season look like for you? How do they feel? Join author Callie Feyen as she navigates unravelings and beginnings.
Poetry Prompt: Your Queen Mab—What Helps Or Haunts You?
Join author Callie Feyen as she shares an excerpt from The Teacher Diaries, and explores the dreams we have that both help and haunt us.
Poetry Prompt: What Does A Dream Look Like?
Dreams are shape-shifters and snitches. Join Callie Feyen and explore the many forms a dream can take shape, through poetry.
Poetry Prompt: Warming Up To A Dream
Join author Callie Feyen as she explores what the beginning of a dream looks and feels like. From the perspective of a Detroit Tigers game.
Poetry Prompt: The five senses reading and writing poetry
Instead of asking whether you’ll succeed, what if you asked yourself, “Would I like to try?” It might lead to less worry and more play. And more poetry.
Poetry Prompt: A Poetry Notebook
Join author Callie Feyen as she shares a look inside her writing process, and what she does when she’s discouraged. Hint: The answer involves poetry.
Poetry Prompt: A Walk in the Forest
This week, join author Callie Feyen and enter a place of mystery and magic in your neighborhood, then write about what you find.
Poetry Prompt: Dream Poems
Join author Callie Feyen and walk, run, stumble, and maybe even twirl towards your dreams in our Monday poetry prompt.
Poetry Prompt: Walking Towards Beauty
Author Callie Feyen invites us to take a walk, ask hard questions, and find beauty in a broken world. Share it through poetry.
Questions & Curiosity: Why This Aphorism?
Take a saying that’s become cliché, and give it a new life when you question and then write a poem!
Questions & Curiosity: Wonder Plant Prompt
Join us this week to wonder about a common plant you may have passed by. Find your questions, then your answers, and then—your poem!
May Photo ‘n Poem Prompt: Finding White Rose Wonder in the World
Join us with photographer Kellē Sauer, who’s prompting us at Poetic Earth Month, to find wonder in the world—in poems and/or photos.
Poetry Prompt: Question Poems
Join Callie Feyen as she contemplates whether it is asking the question, or finding the answer that makes us strong. Then get poetic with a question of your own.
Poetry Prompt: Cupcake Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she and her young library patrons imagine up cupcakes to bake for their favorite Mother Goose and fairy tale characters.
Poetry Prompt: Five Senses Poems
Join author Callie Feyen as she hunts for spring with a group of second graders. Then get your own senses kindled and respond with a poem!