A new dispatch from Bethany Rohde and Burrow and Meadow offers a quiet bit of inspiration, clarity and awe.
Poetry Prompt: Queen Bees and the Poetry Question
Can you make poetry out of painful moments in your life? Join queen bees and author Callie Feyen as she (and Miley Cyrus) show you how.
Earth Song Poem Featured on The Slowdown!—Birds in Home Depot
“Birds in Home Depot” makes a journey from poet Rick Maxson’s experience, to the Earth Song nature poems anthology, to Poetry Foundation’s The Slowdown!
50 States of Generosity: Maine
Join teacher and library catalog coordinator Nikki Rank, in crossing the border from New Hampshire to Maine. There are clams, moose, and blueberries waiting for you!
Poetry Prompt: Name the Hard
What do you do when learning something is difficult? Join Callie Feyen as she learns a lesson from her daughter on how to name the hard.
Poetry Prompt: Going On A Treasure Hunt – Part 2, Sledding Hill
Having a hard time finding poetry in the mundane parts of your day? Head out to a sledding hill (for real or in your mind) and see what poetry treasure you can find.
Poetry Prompt: We’re Going On A Poetry Hunt – Part 1
New to poetry and unsure how to begin? Come along on a poetry treasure hunt. You’re sure to be inspired!
Poet Laura: New Year, New Lists
Dheepa R. Maturi, Poet Laura, ushers in the new year with a thoughtful perspective on resolutions and new year list-making.
Celebrate! A Christmas Carol Illustrated + Poetry Prompt
Come write a poem, to celebrate the release of the TS Classic edition of A Christmas Carol! This edition has prompts from poet Megan Willome.
Video: Earth Song: A Nature Poems Experience—Enchanting!
Get ready to be enchanted by this nature poems video, created especially for Earth Song: A Nature Poems Experience. We’d love to read a poem you write, inspired by your favorite moment!
Poetry Prompt: Haiku for Stress
Haiku is best in times of stress. Callie Feyen teaches participants in an Advent workshop—and us—to write How to Wait haiku.
Poet Laura: What are we celebrating now?
Poet Laura Dheepa R. Maturi shares a game that brought family, generations (and Jane Austen) together in poignant whimsy.
An Exclusive Call for Poems: Jekyll and Hyde Book Club
Share your Jekyll and Hyde poems in the comment box of this post. This is a patron-exclusive chance to submit poems for the anthology or simply share poetry with your fellow Tweetspeak patrons. 🙂
Writing Prompt: How To Be Grateful
How do you be grateful, especially when it’s the worst possible time for gratitude? Author Callie Feyen talke you through it (with scones).
Writing Prompt: Open Wide Your Wounded, Wonderful Heart
What book helps you write from your wounded and wonderful heart? Author Callie Feyen discusses teaching “Walk Two Moons.”
Poetry Prompt: Almanac of Last Things—Write From Your Now
Write from your now, using all five senses and the present moment. Callie Feyen follows poetry advice she learned in Washington, D.C.
Can a Machine Write Better Than You?—5 Best (And Worst) AI Poem Generators
Ever wanted AI to write a poem for you? Well, you’re in luck—here are 5 best AI poem generators around, featuring Hades and Persephone.
Making Peace With Paradise—Celebrate + Poetry Prompt!
Celebrate the release of the new book from one of your favorite poetry how-to authors. Check out Making Peace With Paradise + poetry prompt!
Poetry Prompt: Start Your Writing with Inspiration
How does a writer start writing? With inspiration. For Callie Feyen, that begins with a poem.
Poetry Prompt: Just the Facts
Just the facts, Ma’am becomes the beginning of poetry, when you take those facts and begin to stack them up. Try this Just the Facts prompt!