Thank You Notes is a monthly writing prompt to express our thanks to a particular person, place, or thing. This month we’re saying thank you to notepads.
Animate: Flying Machine Poetry Prompt
Humanity earned its wings with a 12-second airplane flight. Imagine yourself as one of our greatest engineering achievements. This week’s poetry prompt asks you to become a flying machine. Join us, animate yourself into a soaring object of flight, and create poetry.
Flying Machines Poetry Prompt: An Ode to SkyMall
SkyMall enabled air travelers to leaf through the pages of a retail fantasy. From curious kitchen tools to ghastly lawn ornaments, it offered everything we could ever imagine or not need. Fly our friendly skies as we remember the legendary in-flight publication and write poetry.
Flying Machines Poetry Prompt: The Great Kite
Leonardo Da Vinci’s interests ranged from the arts to math, science, and everything in between. This week we learn about Leonardo’s notes on flying machines, including The Great Kite. We’ll travel back in time and give him a few pointers as we write poetry.
The Vale of Soul-Making: Poetry Prompt
Despite his brief life, John Keats wrote words packed with the wisdom and intelligence of many lifetimes. The essence of this is perhaps, found in his letters. Join us as we consider the meaning of Keats’ vale and write some soul-making poetry.
Form It: A Mountain Poetry Prompt
“Form It” is a poetry prompt that focuses on exploring our topic through form poetry. The prompt includes recommendations for each form’s best use! This time, we’re going to “form” a mountain.
Mountains and Valleys in Nature: Poetry Prompt
The picturesque structure and symbolic passages of mountains and valleys in poetry goes back to antiquity. In part, the poet lives by a code of paying attention. Think of the simple beauty that others sometimes miss in nature. Let it inspire you and write some poetry with us.
Animate: River Valley Poetry Prompt
Some of the very first complex human societies began here. This week’s poetry prompt asks you to imagine yourself as a natural trough in the earth— a valley. Join us, animate yourself into the hollow of a sloping river valley, and create poetry.
Mountain Pilgrimage: Poetry Prompt
Take a mountain pilgrimage with us and see how a few beat poets spent time at a beloved mountain. Grab your hiking boots and a pencil, and write some poetry in the serenity of mountain air.
Thank You Notes: Soap
Thank You Notes is a monthly writing prompt to express our thanks to a particular person, place or thing. This month we’re saying thank you to soap.
The Family Table: Poetry Prompt
Pick your chair, have a seat and write some poetry with us about life around the family table. There are plenty of stories to share.
Motherhood: Family Ties Poetry Prompt
There are no deeper family ties than that between a mother and child. This week’s poetry prompt invites you to read poems from the perspective of an adult child yearning to be rocked to sleep once again; and the perspective of a mother with grown children, enchanted by memory. Let these poems inspire you to write your own poetry about the family ties of motherhood.
Fatherhood: Family Ties Poetry Prompt
Our fathers are an important part of who we have become. This is not lost on poets, as many have written poems on fatherhood. Come along with us and read some poetry about fathers, then write your own heartfelt or hilarious poem.
Birth Order: Family Ties Poetry Prompt
Siblings have their own system of organization and some argue that it shapes many of their characteristics. Consider this an opportunity to have fun and write some silly sibling poetry. We won’t tattle on you.
Mending Wall: Poetry Prompt
Looking at Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall,” we’re creating our own poetic take on the act of mending walls. Come write with us!
Form It: A Simple Veil, Poetry Prompt
“Form It” is a poetry prompt that focuses on exploring our topic through form poetry. The prompt includes recommendations for each form’s best use! This time, we’re going to “form” a simple veil.
Wall Poems: Poetry Prompt
Settled in the crevices of brick and mortar, there are poems. Written on walls in Europe and here in the States, poetry lives and breathes in cities and villages. Join us and learn a little about wall poems and where you can find some. You can even write your own wall poem.
Animate: Wall Poetry Prompt
This week’s poetry prompt asks you to imagine yourself as a division of space— a wall. Join us, animate yourself into the geometry of a wall, and create poetry.
The Veil: Poetry Prompt
Join us as we explore the poem “Lift Not the Painted Veil Which Those Who Live” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Think of a response to his message and write it as a poem.
Thank You Notes: Toys
Thank You Notes is a monthly prompt that focuses on expressing our thanks to a particular person, place, or thing—in poems, paragraphs, or pictures. This month, we’re crafting thank-you’s to Toys.