Being a writer goes far beyond the usual “just write” advice. You might need cross-training, more than you think.
This Writing Life: Summer is Fiction
Summer means fiction. What are you doing with yours?
On Writing Poetry: Crafting Bells from Twigs
As winter diminishes, there is, always, a flourish of up notes in untended orchards, fierce and insistent as Mozart’s “Jagdsinfonie, ” though this is not a vigor that will result in the largest fruit, the highest productivity. Those trees are marvelous in their spindled wildness. A first draft, if you will, quilled and unruly. Wavering […]
The Writing Life: How to Be a Famous Author
The writing life should be simpler than this, right? No, it’s not easy, and it never will be. Because we want to be famous. And that’s good, and not.
Poems by L.L. Barkat to be Published
On Notice of “To Be Published.” A congratulatory poem for a maker of poems.
Editing a Twoem (Twitter Poem)
After cleaning the horse stables came a Twitter poem (or two). It’s true.