Perhaps cultivating a writer’s voice can be more about nourishing those things that give life to it: passions and a sense of place.
Rumors of Water: The Ingredients at Hand
Of all the gifts Rumors of Water will give a writer, an excuse is not one.
Journey into Poetry: Dave Malone
Get me at a cocktail party. Get me talking about writing poetry. Get me talking about what made the difference. Just a phone call.
Rumors of Water Book Club
Join our thoughtful and amusing senior editor, for this book club on Rumors of Water.
It’s Here: 2 Cool Ways to Get Our Titles 1/2 Price!
To celebrate National Poetry Month, we’ve got a special offer for April only: Get a secret coupon for 50% off any TS Poetry title of your choice (unlimited copies—great for bookclubs or gifts!).
Angels: A Writer’s Contingency
Rilke also famously said, upon quitting therapy, that he did not want to chase away his demons lest his angels flee him too.
The Heart Aroused: Chaos and Complexity
Allowing the science of complexity — and the poetic tradition — to play out naturally in the maze of business might take a little trust.
The Heart Aroused: Strategy and Soul
There’s an equal place in the psyche for both strategy and soul.
The Heart Aroused: Embracing Fire
How can you give oxygen to the fire of your creative soul in business?
Writing Prompt: Red #9
Writing prompt: try a fairy tale poem of your own today?
This Week’s Top 10 Poetic Picks
This week’s top 10 poetic picks lands on glass igloos and gold medal poetry.
The Writing Life: How to Be a Famous Author
The writing life should be simpler than this, right? No, it’s not easy, and it never will be. Because we want to be famous. And that’s good, and not.
The Unofficially Official List of Top Poetry Sites
When was the last time you saw a list for The Top Poetry Sites? Now it exists, right here.
Leaving the Radio On, and Other Rituals
Maybe could write your own “radio ritual” poem?
Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America
Others far wiser than I have discovered poetry’s needful but long overlooked place in business
Journey into Poetry: Jim Wood
I have no business writing poetry. I am a corporate executive whose days are filled with calculus and quantifications.
The Hearing of the Sea: Thoughts on A Broken Thing
When I come across a book as provocative as A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line, I know I will recommend it, but the question is… to whom
Poet, Where Did You Get that Red?
What is red? Red is Miracle, talisman and charm.
Journey Into Poetry: Will Willingham
Here at T. S. Poetry, nothing could make us happier than when a person discovers poems.
What’s In Store
The new T. S. Poetry Store