Why do you need an author platform? Maybe you want to get an agent, sell a book proposal, or promote a book—self-published or with a traditional publisher.
Spin: Creativity Book Giveaway!
Get a signed copy of our newest creativity book. It will spark your imagination and creativity!
Simple Tips on Finding and Working With a Book Publicist
Finding and working with a publicist is made simple with these tips from publishing expert Jane Friedman.
Ghazal Poetry: Do the Twist Prompt
Ghazal poetry sometimes asks the big questions. Who am I? Why am I here? And, for that matter, why are you?
Fiction Jumpstart Workshop Fall 2013
Dream of writing the breakout novel? You need to start somewhere. Begin today, with our Fiction Workshop taught by bestselling author Anthony Connolly.
Tattoo Poetry: Ode on a Grecian Urn Prompt
Tattoo poetry is permanent poetry—captured by the body that bears it. There’s a sense in which it is locked in time and form, much the way the painted Greek lovers were perpetually locked to the vase in “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”
Tattoo Poetry: Inked with an Author Prompt
Get inked with your author; give us a poem that tells the tale.
Best Tattoo Songs: Plus, Poetry
To kick off this month’s new Tattoo poetry theme, we gathered a list of the best tattoo songs we could find.
Bottled & Canned: A Keeping Poetry Prompt
Have you ever found a bottle worth keeping? Have you ever collected a whole colorful line? Put it in poetry.
Writing Workshop: The Writing Life
A writing workshop that will go beyond the usual fare, as it helps you develop a lasting writing life.
Bottled & Canned: Surprise Poetry Prompt
Have you ever opened a can, only to find something unexpected? Now’s your chance.
Bottles & Cans: A Playlist and Poetry Prompt
Can you put bottles and cans in your poems? Join us for our new Bottled & Canned theme, and a brand new playlist and poetry prompt.
Iowa Summer Writing Festival: There to Write
If you’re looking for a place to network, the Iowa Summer Writing Festival may not be the best for you. You’re there to write.
Rock ‘n Roll Poetry Prompt: Blue Suede Shoes
What kinda shoes rock you? Put ’em in a poem, and rock us too.
Rock ‘n Roll Lyrics: Poetry Prompt
Get your lyrics on and write a rock ‘n roll poem. Read one too, with an SRV.
Cape Cod Stories: Placing with Thoreau
If you are a writer, you might want to go where other writers have gone before. Follow Thoreau and Plath to Cape Cod?
Poetry Classroom: Extra Towels
Welcome to our Poetry Classroom. This week we’re discussing luxurious towels. Or are we?
A Book of Beginnings: Ritual
How do you get off your book-writing plateau? It might involve a knife and sponge to spur your beginnings.
For the Writer in You
For the writer in you: workshops that will jumpstart your creativity, enliven your voice, and delight your brain.
A Book of Beginnings: Motion
Why don’t people begin writing their books? Blame it on motion.